Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On Progressives and Aversion to Truth

Lately I have been discussing characteristics of liberal progressives, noting a general hostility toward Israel and an ideological litmus test for friendship. Today I add aversion to the truth to that growing list of negative characteristics.

I just read Kay's Blue Racine where a full throated progressivism is on daily display. Today Kay is outraged at some anti-abortion advertisements that state that the womb is the most dangerous place for a black baby and that a potential black leader is aborted every 21 minutes. Kay did not attempt to refute the ads. Rather, they just seem to make her angry. Of course, it is not the deaths of millions of black babies that makes her angry. It is that someone dares to tell the truth.

But it is not just abortion truth that outrages the far left. The terrorist problem in the world and the US is almost entirely a Muslim phenomenon. Crime rates are higher among blacks than most other ethnicities in the US. Lower tax rates often result in more tax revenue. Bad teachers exist in public schools. Single parent families contribute to social ills when compared to two parent families. These and other truths simply can't be tolerated on the far left.


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    blah blah blah. I really think you write these just to hear yourself talk.

  2. So why read them anon? I certainly won't miss pointless comments such as yours.

  3. Anonymous8:02 PM

    you listed what you feel are a few general negative characteristics of liberals, so in your opinion, what would you say are negative characteristics of conservatives?

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    seems like their are other folks, particularly on Free Racine, who are prone to exhibit aversion to truth.

  5. Anon 8:02, sorry it has taken a bit of time to get back to you. The negative characteristics of conservatives? I get tired of people claiming to be conservative but really being rhinos. And occasional cowardice in dealing with contentious issues.

  6. Denis said: "The terrorist problem in the world and the US is almost entirely a Muslim phenomenon. Crime rates are higher among blacks than most other ethnicities in the US. Lower tax rates often result in more tax revenue. Bad teachers exist in public schools. Single parent families contribute to social ills when compared to two parent families. These and other truths simply can't be tolerated on the far left."

    I don't think that's an accurate statement. I honestly don't know many on the left that would completely disagree with ANY of those statements. However, they would certainly word some of them differently, much less simplistically, less judgmentally and discriminatorially and more importantly they would look beyond the face value of those statements and give thought to what the real root causes and surrounding conditions are behind the surficially apparent phenomenon.

    And we certainly would then jump to a knee jerk, fear based and punative "solution" based on simplistic surficiality.
