Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Media Bias?

A thought experiment for Sean Cranley. Suppose former Attorney John Ashcroft testified before Congress on an important matter, say, an operation that allowed firearms to "walk" to Mexican druglords. Well call it Operation Daft and Curious. Now suppose Attorney Ashcroft claimed, in say May of 2003 that he first heard of Daft and Curious a few weeks prior to his testimony. Now suppose Ashcroft was sent memos concerning Daft and Curious beginning in August of 2002.

Do you think this might have, just maybe perhaps aroused the interest of the mainstream media at the time?


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Sounds like Obama's Watergate moment. What did he know, and when did he know it? Perjury is a terrible thing. Ashcroft would have been prisoned, and Bush would have been impeached, wouldn't he Sean? Hippocrate!

  2. A bu$hite imprisoned for lying? did Rummy do time? John Yoo? Alberto Gonzalez? Etc. Etc.

    O.K. so Libby was placed in Club Fed for some nice R&R before Georgieboy pardoned him.

    Please, well connected people of means in America are only rarely subjected to the "justice" reserved for the rest of us 99 percenters.

  3. WASHINGTON -- The federal government under the Bush administration ran an operation that allowed hundreds of guns to be transferred to suspected arms traffickers - the same tactic that congressional Republicans have criticized President Barack Obama's administration for using, two federal law enforcement officials said Tuesday.

  4. I should have known that proposing a thought experiment to Sean was an exercise in futility.

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Dennis - why do you seem obsessed with Sean Cranley?
    I would think you'd have more pertinent topics, like today's vacuous and empty suit editorial in the JT re: cig stores.

  6. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Cranley is a pseudo-intellectual boil on the ass of life. Attention only makes him grow.

  7. You're right Ano. The pseudo-inteeectual crushing of your dogmatic, utterly unencumbered by evidence, "arguments" is bad enough now. Just imagine what a genuine intellectual would do.

    I don't think I could bear to look. Oh the humanity!
