Friday, November 18, 2011

Name That Species

Today I noticed a huge group occupying private property, I believe, without permission. When asked what they were protesting, they produced a lot of noise but no coherent message whatsoever. They consumed everything in sight without paying. Indeed the very notion of an exchange of goods for an honest days work was foreign to them. And they were defecating and fornicating freely and shamelessly.

But unlike their human counterparts, they left peacefully when confronted by authorities.


  1. Yeah metaphore is definitely not your medium. For one thing, geese don't F in the fall.

    The Banksters defecated all over the whole country. But I understand, though at first you were upset, you TPs have been directed by FuxSnooze to pay no attention to the man behind the Wall Street curtain.

    So, consider the birds of the air . . . and take your misdirected pot shots at THEM! For the message born on their wings from a far is most inconvenient to the well being of your ideological minders.

  2. sean, most, if not all, metaphors fail at some level. You could just have easily pointed out the geese don't use heroin, murder, sexually assault children or sleep in tents. At a higher level the goose metaphor dovetails quite well with the antics of Moocheritaville.

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    On the way home from work I heard news of the 15 year old Western Lowlands gorilla giving birth to her first baby in the Lincoln Park Zoo. This was an important story because this is an endangered species, although I was also struck by the fact that a captive gorilla waited longer to get pregnant than many girls in Illinois - or Wisconsin.

  4. GearHead7:06 AM

    @Ano, good point, there's virtue in having higher standards, eh? But then... this is a gorilla and not uh, rabbits.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Shhhh Mister TP, pay no attention to the defecator behind the Wall Street curtain.

  7. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Sadly, that baby gorilla died. Perhaps we need a multi-million dollar effort thrown at pre-natal education and labor and delivery upgrades to local hospitals. Gateway could run the whole thing and their president could fly to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia to talk about it.
