Saturday, May 05, 2012

Fun with Guns

I heard on the news this morning about a brazen robbery wherein three perps broke in to a retail store and stole a bunch of guns. The news reader then stated that it was unknown whether the three would use the guns to commit other crimes. I was thinking they might be pacifists intent on destroying the guns. Or perhaps they were environmentalists who would return the raw materials back into the earth. Maybe they were ATF gun runners.


  1. I was thinking they were castle law afficionados who got a little carried away wanting to protect themselves ;)

  2. Judge Mental6:52 PM

    I make the assumption they are borrowing the guns to harvest some venison for the local food pantry.

  3. Wingnut militia? Posse Comatose?

  4. Speaking of guns. I guess the term "Czar" is only bad if President Obama uses it.

    But you can tell all deer hunting friends that Walker's Deer Czar says they're COMMUNISTS if they hunt on public land!

    He thinks they should have to go to a private game farm and pay $750-$1,000 per deer and more, much more, if they bag one that's trophy caliber.

  5. Yeah sean, the one thing that makes hunters upset is an appointed official siding with hunters over the DNR. Heh.

  6. Give the DNR credit under the great leadership of Cathy Stepp that they are willing to be circumspect and have fresh eyes evauate a contentious area of regulation. Too bad the teachers won't shine the light on themselves, and be better practitioners of their craft. We could use a few less bottom-feeders.

  7. Bottom-feeders, I can just about hear yo gear grind to come up with that oh so clever gem.

  8. That DNR thing was really a "Game Changer", eah sean? I don't know if you're a poster boy for bad predictions or desperation. So are you going to review your positions after this last shellacking or are you going to get more hysterical/hilarious?
