Wednesday, October 17, 2012

President Offends

President Obama at the debate on the Bengazi tragedy:

And the suggestion that anybody in my team, whether the Secretary of State, our U.N. Ambassador, anybody on my team would play politics or mislead when we've lost four of our own, governor, is offensive. That's not what we do. That's not what I do as president, that's not what I do as Commander in Chief.

The president also indicated that on the day after the attack on our consulate he indicated that it was a terrorist attack. As such, it was clearly not a obscure movie review gone bad. If he knew that on day two, why did he, his press secretary, his UN ambassador, etc... repeatedly claim that the movie was to blame for the attack?

No doubt President Obama is offended by the suggestion that a false and misleading narrative is viewed by many as a misleading political play. I suspect that anything that might impair his path to reelection is offensive to the president.

The most plausible explanation for the false narrative is political. With an impending election, clearly a terrorist attack calls into question the success of our foreign policy. Better perhaps to play politics and suggest that an obscure film was to blame. 

I know, my suggestion is offensive to the president. I too am offended. I am offended when our president and members of his administration pedal a false narrative on the Bengazi attack. I am also offended that he has not issued any explanation for the false narrative despite ample opportunity to do so. That is not what a president, a commander in chief, should do. 


  1. The president expects us (and his debate partner Romney) to believe his empty words over our own lying eyes. How cynical of him. It doesn't help when the moderator goes into the tank for him as well.

  2. Ah Denis, I see you removed the part about President Obama having blood on his hands, a very wise defensive move on your part.

    I know that in the black and white brain of the Cult of Con it is inconceiveable that there could be both a demonstration AND a terrorist attack, or that a staged demonstration in chaotic place like Libya could be confused for a time as the real thing in light other demonstrations across the region in response to the same disgusting film.

    I understand, simply implausible. To you people anyway, not to mention politically convenient.

  3. Sean, I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't change my post. Please explain.

  4. I could have sworn you had a line in your post last week about Obama having blood on his hands. If not, my mistake.

    I know that in the black and white brain of the Cult of Con it is inconceiveable that there could be both a demonstration AND a terrorist attack, or that a staged demonstration in chaotic place like Libya could be confused for a time as the real thing in light other demonstrations across the region in response to the same disgusting film.

  5. Last night Romney, the guy who panned Obama for letting our enemies know our timeline for leaving was emphatic that we will be out of Afghanistan by 2014. Just another Etch-a-Sketch moment for Governor Romnesia.

  6. Also, a few months ago Romney chastized the President for throwing Mubarack, our GREAT dictatorial ally overboard and then last night said he wouldn't have stuck with Mubarack either. Flippity-floppity Mittster's on his way.

  7. "Flippity-floppity Mittster's on his way."

    Indeed, to the Oval Office.

  8. Hazaah! Another prophet of the Cult of Con.

  9. Anonymous2:35 PM

    You mentioned giving Obama a fake White House from which he could play golf, have play sates, etc. I propose giving he and Michelle their own talk show, but with a twist. At least one of them would always be on but the host would change each time. How happening and cool and awesome and serving the publicy and dispelling liesy would that be? I'd tune in when Steve Harvey was the host just to hear Obama do his "black-speak"!

  10. Oh mighty Con I gratefully bask in the glowing hate thine ser
    vant Ano!

  11. @ Sean: Have you been reading your own stupid blog at the Burlington Progressive whiners and losers page? Hateful? Ahh, yeah.

    The first tip-off is your inability to mention someones name without corrupting it in your own sophmoric way. BTW, have you paid up on your $50 debt to Nemo?

    Looking forward to see you crawl into your hole when you lose yet another election. Well, no. You probably will be out acting stupid and clanging your cowbell again. It seems to be your calling.

  12. I didn't lose $50 to the Nemotoad.

  13. I could have sworn you had a line in your post last week about Obama having blood on his hands. If not, my mistake. I know that in the black and white brain of the Cult of Con it is inconceiveable that there could be both a demonstration AND a terrorist attack, or that a staged demonstration in chaotic place like Libya could be confused for a time as the real thing in light other demonstrations across the region in response to the same disgusting film.
