Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Access Denied

Conservative columnist/talk show host Dennis Prager reacts to the results of the presidential election. Some suggest that Republicans need to become like liberals. Prager instead suggests promoting conservative values to minorities, youth, women etc... He writes:

"The only answer to the "demographic" problem, therefore, is to bring women (single women, to be precise), young people, Hispanics, and blacks to conservative values....."
"Our only hope for America is that every conservative takes upon him or herself the project of learning what American and conservative values are, coming to understand what leftism stands for, and learning how to make the case for those values to women, young people, blacks and Hispanics."
I agree with Mr. Prager. Additionally, I understand conservative values, I understand the left, and I believe I could make a case for those values to women, young people, blacks and Hispanics. So I should just go forth and convert the masses, right? It is not so easy.
If I wanted to promote liberal values, it would be a piece of cake. I could just dust of my MSW degree and get right to work in institutions where liberals dominate, namely schools, government agencies and even private charities. I could get a teaching degree. I might still be writing for the Racine Journal Times. You get the picture.
But try promoting conservative ideas and your access is denied. 
My question to Free Racine readers. Where does one find the women, youth, and minorities to introduce, discuss, debate etc... conservative ideas? I am talking about formal arrangements, not "in the checkout lane" or "at the ball game." Any ideas would be welcome.  


  1. Ann Coulter would speak at a college campus, where she would be routinely jeered, insulted and physically assaulted. This is what you can expect when you want to engage a conversation in these bastions where free thought is encouraged (not!) She has pretty think skin, but her approach isn't for the faint of heart.

    I would like to see equal time for someone in the real world to be able to guest-host a primary classroom. It would go a long ways towards blunting the indoctrination union teachers practice on a daily basis, and introduce the kids to the principles of free markets and liberty.

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I am so tired of hearing about how conservatives have to rebrand and market and reach out and all of the other nonsense. The message was heard and clearly rejected. The takers and the unions and the scared and the snowed voted for the free ice cream. My favorite is the people who voted for Obama because of women's rights to their own bodies. We now begin the systematic elimination of rights and the control of citizens. Yes, from your choice of beverage to style of light bulbs to funding for treatment of stage 2 or worse cancer - control by people who do what they want and answer to no one is the plan.

  3. The not so amusing irony is that I would have no access problem if the Democrats believed in education and diversity, two of their favorite buzzwords.

  4. With FuxSnooze and the daily blowhardiness on stations like WTMJ and WISN repeated all over the country, the notion that your message isn't getting out is simply ludicrous.

    Can you say Ann Coulter? I can't, not without getting the willies! She a posterchild for your problem.

    It's the extremist whacky nature of your message itself that is your problem. It has ceased to be a consevative message and has morphed into a radical reactionary screed with barely disguised undertones of hatred and selfishness and quite frankly pure nuttiness.

    And these "values" are being increasingly rejected by citizens of good will.

    but if you guys want to double down on your failure, I want to you know that I am behind One Hundred Percent!

  5. Respectfully suggest for the most part it's not the message that is the problem, but often the messengers. Reagan, Clinton, and Obama communicated understanding and empathy better than their opponents, gaining the trust of a majority of citizens. Romney was a good man, and I believe would have been better at governing, but other than the first debate, he was the lessor of the two candidates when it came to communication and empathy. Nominate Rubio, Christie, or someone else in the vane I'm suggesting for the next go-round for the presidency, when there will be no incumbent, and Republicans will have a great shot at claiming the White House.

  6. Sadly, it seems my premise - that conservatives are essentially locked out from influencing the young, minorities, and women - is holding up.

  7. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Conservatism doesn't fit with "fundamentally changing America". It will be too late once the well-meaning people who bought that nonsense find out what happens. As for those on the dole, they'll continue to take and want more.

  8. Anonymous3:17 PM

    And we're not talkin pineapples boy's, the dole now has the majority. I have never felt bleaker about Americas future. We are experiencing the "lost decade" in America and both parties are to blame. It's called the Washington brain drain, we dont have intelligent leaders combine this with disproportionate growth in the takers and Wall La;

  9. Anonymous3:22 PM

    conservatism as portrayed and communicated by Romney is most certianly dead!...and good riddance! that antiquated rhetoric was resoundly rejected in historic fashion for all the world to see and i was proud to be a part of that history. Republicans spent over $1billion, the most in American history to defeat the President...and lost, horrifically.

  10. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Anon 3:22 - you better hope that you don't depend on a job in which you get paid (you know, money). Those are going to start to be "resoundly" (whatever that is) rejected in historic fashion.

  11. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Anon 3:22 - yes good by cOnservatives, would you like to speak with the three people in my company that are going to be laid off shortley? We are seeing Corp America react already, several large companies cancelled hiring plans so we must as well.
    Obamacare is a huge tax on small businesses (70%) of the job growth in US.
    Liberals don't get it and never will , overall taxes are going up for those hard working duel income families, you know the ones with a few kids about to go to college and mom and dad are educated so they make decent money. My heart goes out to those millions of families that are now considered "rich" by the current administration .

  12. Anonymous6:19 AM

    LOL...impending doom if you don't chose a republican! we've been hearing that for centuries now lol...you folks on the right are ridiculous.

  13. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Voting is the great equalizer, this election was a perfect textbook study on democracy. I have the exact amount of voting influence as David Koch or any other right wing extremist. They spent over $1BILLION to elect a president, the most ever spent in America, ever. But voters saw through the war on the middle class rhetoric from the right which allowed Obama to win the electoral vote by a landslide AGAIN & the popular vote - TWICE.

  14. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Yes - but a famous man once said that "democracy has to be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner". Capital has to be produced before it can be taken. Once that sheep is eaten those wolves have to find other sheep -instead of buying land and sheep then spending money on their care and shearing and health and everything else, they wait and kill them after all the expense and effort has been made. Some of the wolves even bitch about how the sheep were treated by the farmer. Farmers aren't stupid and try to hide their sheep or move them overseas. . .

  15. Taxes are NOT going up on small business, that's lie from the Conservosphere.

    And this whole thing about laying workers off because of Obamacare is ludicrous anyway, it doesn't stand up to logical reasoning, it's pure Republicon fear-mongering.

    Any company is going to look at the demand for their goods and services and size their workforce up or down to match that demand. If companies are laying employees of it's because they didn't need them in the first place it has NOTHING to do with the election.

    Any CEO like the Papa Johns and Applebees dorks who is going to lay off employees at the expense of not meeting available demand for their product is foregoing profits they could be making and they should be sh&%tcanned immediately for breach of their fiduciary responsibility. The shareholders should be in revolt!

    It's pure GOPropoaganda nonsense and that's all there is to it. that fact that keeps being regurgitated by the indoctrinants of the Cult of con just goes to show thier gullibility and lack of critical thinking skills.

  16. Anonymous7:53 AM

    well said Sean.

  17. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Did Sean confirm that he has been empowered by our overseers to play with the wolves? I am quite sure that he produces nothing. Raising sheep would lead to climate change so I hope he is eating grass instead. No wait - humans don't produce the correct enzymes to digest grass. So let's charge farmers big carbon trade taxes and raise food prices and Sean can shop with his food stamps the taxpayers pay for and he can keep bitching about the whole process.

  18. Ano you're an idiot and you have no idea what you're talking about.

    You obviously know nothing about me, but that won't stop you from spewing your nonsensical suppositions.

    Facts are not included in the pallet you paint with.

  19. Thank you Anonymous 7:53. My last comment was of course directed at sheepster Ano 8:08.

  20. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Sean at 745- sorry dude I'm a CPA and a business owner. Have a firm of 70 our taxes are going up substantially. Would you like to express your denial to the 3 professionals that are about to be let go? I'm an independent not a hard core conservative. Neither side is perfect, but we have a Pres that has ZERO experience creating jobs, accept it.....he stinks.

  21. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Obama's experience with creating wealth is putting out his hand -and whether through guilt or coercion someone puts money in it. He is then able to pretend he is an entrepreneur - he puts out his other hand and doubles his income.

  22. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Our Corp Tax rate is going up, our people that work project for us will cost us $3000 as a penalty because we don't offer healthcare we pay a very high hourly rate to compensate 50-95/hour. Our payroll taxes are going, our key execs will pay higher income tax, it's not good for the key engines of Job creation. Obamoran we should call him. And I, like many other small biz owners are forced to "assess" what B- players can we part with. You see Sean, their is a real world out there where decisions have to made that effect jobs.

  23. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Guess what anon 1:25 - the big old gorilla on the room that no one is talking about is the fact that every public union employee is going to say "wait, I have accepted slave wages for years in exchange for good benefits, and now that the benefits are free, I want an instant 1/3 raise". Has anyone calculated what this new unfunded mandate is going to cost? Nope - our government continues to believe that it is possible to squeeze one end of a balloon without the other end expanding. Actually for Obama and his friends it is more like "to say that the other end of the balloon is expanding is playing politics and offensive".

  24. Ano, I don't know what you mean by "people who work project", but Obamacare has no requirement to provide healthcare.

    There is only a penalty/tax for companies not providing healthcare IF you have more 50 employees AND your EMPLOYEES enter the insurance exchange AND they end up being heavily subsidized by taxpayers because they're low income. $50 to $95/ hr Ain't low income bud.

    Oh yeah and none of that takes effect until 2014, so if you're blaming Obama or Obamacare for your taxes going up NOW you're full o crap.

    By the way, you're writing is a barely coherent rant, which speaks volumes!

  25. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Rommey was a job creator alright....
    for chinese citizens. Exporting jobs to 2nd & 3rd world labor is great for profits, not so great for U.S. employment labor.

    Go easy on them Sean, when they're not reading what to say from the GOP manifesto, they get stumped.

  26. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Wow I can see there are more posters than just Sean I need to avoid reading. Yes, those venture capitalists are evil. I'll bet you can't even define that term anon 3:02. That's ok, you can have all the pretend intelligence you want. I wish I were supporting you with pretend money.

    Anon 1:25 -- I think we better come up with IDs. I enjoy talking to intelligent people on all sides of issues but I don't have one second of my consciousness to spare reading inane nonsense.
    I can avoid Sean easily but now there is a new batch. . .
