Sunday, December 09, 2012

The Quranal Times

The Journal Times today has an article entitled "A sacred text of peace and justice" and subtitled "Quran exhibit tries to debunk stereotypes, build understanding."Read it here if you like.

"The Muslim holy book is a text of peace and justice." "It doesn't support any acts of terrorism." Don't kill blasphemers, just leave their company for a while. Unequal treatment of women is not in accordance with the Quran. Etc...

Remarkably, the article made no mention of any of the more controversial content found in the Quran. Probably just an innocent oversight on the part of the JT.

The event was held at the Bray Center, a public community center. Will this bring out the rabid separation of church and state crowd or is that enmity reserved only for Christianity?

Also interesting is the Journal Times decision to not allow comments. No efforts to debunk the debunking will be tolerated. It is best to just believe everything you read about Islam.


  1. Hey, middle eastern women don't have it so bad. After all, ten year old boys and girls are able to field strip and re-assemble an AK or SKS while blindfolded, not to mention model explosive vests in big crowds. But we are told not to judge their culture, because we can't possibly understand. (Sounds a lot like being told recently not to judge poor people, because poverty causes bad grades.)

    Only to be lectured by the usual crowd of haters the governor's ten year old daughter has no business sharing a deer hunt with her father, while sporting a blaze-orange hunting vest. Culture be damned! How interesting!

    Being liberal means never having to say you're sorry (for your own hippocracy).

  2. It is people like you and your despicable point of view which must be stopped GH. If you and yours would just submit to Allah, we could solve the Jew problem once and for all and usher in that long overdue era of peace and justice. Get with the program.

  3. @Denis: Program? Isn't that what re-education camps are for? They can't be too far into the future. Another excellent reason for the Federal government to go on yet another education hiring spree. It will lower the unemployment rate, of course. Ve vill tun yooz avround.

    Hmmm, maybe not... wouldn't that be combining church and state? This is so confusing.

  4. GH, Islam is just a peace and justice movement, sort of like abolition and women's rights. As such, and because it is such an innocuous philosophy, it need not be subject to the separation requirement of truly threatening religions like Christianity. Only the paranoid could see it otherwise. I suggest that you seek professional help.

  5. The Bray Center is not owned by the City, therfore there is no church/state conflict

    And if you're looking for violence you can't beat the Bible or Christian civilization, especially since the age of disovery.

    If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. Zechariah 13:3

  6. Thanks for that link Sean. That said, I wonder if the Bray Center folks aren't splitting hairs insofar as I believe that they are funded by federal block grants awarded by the city. Then again, I might be wrong about that. Not sure how to uncover the truth or whether it really matters all that much.

  7. Your welcome Denis. The truth? Does it matter? Four words: Bush Faith Based Initiatives.

  8. I think in the neighborhood they call it "walking around money." Smokes for votes, barbque ribs, that sort of initiative and outreach.

  9. GH, your gears are grinding and you're emitting a muddled and bigotted blather. Might wanna get that looked into.

  10. Can certainly tell when Sean's argument is going down in flames, he tosses out the race/bigot card. But he forgets that J Ghuari is the biggest knock and drag artist in town. Who, incidentally is the Exec Dir of Bray. My point stands, as there clearly isn't a gear turning in Seans head.

  11. I have no idea what you mean by knock and drag, but I know damn well what you mean by smokes for votes and BBQ ribs. Furthermore, Jahan Ghuari and I have been friends since before either of us can remember, so I'll thank you to keep it civil.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I thought his first name was Jameel. I guess I was wrong..

    Is Jahan and Jameel like Jim and James?

  14. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I see that Bush's buddies, the Westboro Baptist Church, are going to be picketing in Newtown, CT

    Go Christian Pigs!!!

  15. Actually their leader, Fred Phelps, is a Democrat.

    He's a nut job though. You can't hold the Democrats responsible for screw-balls like that guy.
