Tuesday, January 29, 2013

On The Progressive Mind

Want insight into the progressive mind?  Consider the following exchange between Sean Cranley and myself concerning my employees and health insurance.

ME: Regarding my employees. My business does not generate enough money to pay for the skyrocketing cost of health insurance, nor does Obamacare drive the costs down per his claims. Where do you propose I get the money to pay for their health insurance? I especially would like you to take a shot at answering that question please Sean. Thanks.

SEAN: As for your business I'd say your employees are subsidizing your lifestyle because they are not being compensated in a manner that allows them to meet their basic needs. That may be worthwhile to you, but it isn't doing society a great deal of good in sanctioning your corporate body, especially if we have to pick up the tab for their shortfalls in the form of assistance.

And more SEAN: OR as FDR said it better: "No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level -- I mean the wages of decent living."

Note that Sean doesn't actually get around to finding the money in my account or shoe box to pay for employee health insurance. He of course has no idea concerning the state of my finances. He just assumes, like most progressives, that business owners have a stash of cash available for whatever is the current cause de jour for the left. 

And yes, my employees are subsidizing my lifestyle, and I theirs. They offer their labor, I offer money. It is a voluntary exchange that Sean would like to make illegal. It is true that I am unable, or, from Sean's perspective, unwilling to offer health benefits, not to mention company cars, six figure salaries etc... It is for this reason that I encourage employees to seek the best possible employment situation available to them. In the mean time, please note that of the several billion people on earth who could potentially offer them a better deal than I have, none have done so, including Sean Cranley. But I am the bad guy, while Sean is the savior of exploited workers. 

Sean, and apparently FDR, have difficulty coming to grips with some basic economic facts. Some businesses just don't generate enough profits to compensate employees to the standards demanded by progressives. Many in fact fail entirely. And some employees don't add enough value to a business operation to justify the compensation packages demanded by leftists. Rather than confront these plain and obvious realities, Sean opts instead to have a temper tantrum and threaten to deprive me of the right, granted by government in his view, to earn an honest living. He would shut down my business in a huff, deprive my employees of their employment, my customers of my product and services, and the government of their sizable and increasing cut. Who exactly would benefit from your philosophy in action?


  1. No doubt Sean will show up and waste valuable sidewalk space, clanging his stupid cowbell over your alleged screwing over your employees. Only in his warped world is more unemployment the solution to the prioritization of scarce business revenue.

  2. Sean would shut down all small businesses that don't generate enough money to provide health insurance for their employees. This would be a huge gift to huge corporations that would no longer face competition from small businesses. The arrogance and stupidity is breathtaking. And in his mind he is the great liberator of oppressed people. I couldn't live with the cognitive dissonance involved there. But as I have said in the past, you can't have cognitive dissonance without cognition.

  3. Judge Mental6:46 PM

    If I understand Sean correctly,he wants you to take on all the risks in opening and maintaining a small business (which includes your equity, bank loans, etc), pay all your workers enough to support their families with a "living wage", their healthcare and make their retirement plan contributions, etc. Sean, if this is so easy, why aren't all liberal minded people opening their own businesses and doing all of the above?

  4. Exactly JM! If it were so easy to make a decent living with a small business AND pocket the money that should go to employees health care, pensions etc....why even Sean would do it I suspect. Certainly our commercial district wouldn't be littered with vacancies.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Sorry Sean. I can't let you take over this thread with unrelated material. If the readers would like to know what I deleted it is a retread of the exchange between Sean and I over whether Obamacare was a Heritage Foundation idea. The exchange is still there on the previous thread where even there it is a tangential discussion not worthy of continuing for reasons I have already indicated.

  7. No doubt the champion mouth-foamer himself will decry how you just censored him from your blog. Keeping in mind how he never answered your direct question where out of your butt he expects the money to "compensate" your employees, at the expense of the entreprenurial risks you take every day. With his logic you should be working for nothing.

    Memo to Sean: If Denis works for nothing, like any other of us slow concervatives he will eventually get the idea he shouldn't be working at all. Why work hard for nothing? Another victory for his laid-off staff, eh? He should raise his prices, right? But wouldn't that make him greedy? And non-competitive? Facts suck, but the marketplace is still the best arbiter of such heady stuff. So I'll trust the market, and laugh at your idiocy.

  8. It is apparent that Sean would rather change the conversation than address the entire point of this thread, that point being that Sean would shut down millions of mom and pop businesses and virtually every restaurant in the US if he could. I almost don't blame him for wanting to avoid that idiotic, totalitarian, and indefensible position.

  9. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Very illustrative of the liberal mind. If you can not provide what he thinks you should then you are either greedy (evil) or should not be allowed to have your own business. Imagine all the small businesses that liberals would like to simply shut down. Policy has consequence, a concept liberal socialists hate mongers will never figure out. Socialist tax policy is pushing the former President of France out of his own country...
