Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Arguments That I Hate

If you are a conservative willing to engage with a liberal progressive, you have probably had a conversation structured much like the following:

LP: I think we should pass a law to help the Fill In The Blank People.

C: I disagree for reasons A, B, C, and D.

LP, ignoring reasons A, B, C, and D: Why do you hate the Fill In The Blank People?

Some variation on this argument, if you can call it that, happens with such regularity that I am beginning to wonder if there is any point in discussion or debate with people who ignore your reasoning and instead focus on imagined psychological or character flaws that lead to your mean spirited point of view. Members of the political left tend to see themselves as such thoroughly decent people, yet many are able to subscribe the most vile of motives to others with no evidence whatsoever. Is there anything at all decent about such behavior?


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

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  2. After reading your post a thought comes to mind:

    Don't attribute to malice that which can be easily explained by stupidity.

    Don't confuse the stupid here with low IQ types. Some pretty smart people can be rendered stupid by being tightly bound to a seductive agenda.

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

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  4. Anonymous11:00 PM

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  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

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  6. Great advice Nemo. It is true that some pretty smart people can believe some stupid things.

  7. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Hate fuels the left especially hate for the right. Not very coexisty.

  8. Yep, I remember having this exact argument. Because I was against ObamaCare, I obviously hate the poor and uninsured. Well, now they have insurance. Kinda. But guess what? They (we) can't get in to see a doctor anymore. Why?

    Because when you increase demand, and reduce supply (by reducing reimbursement so doctors quit) you have a natural shortage of product. Chalk up another win for the left. I guess. Still amazes me how so many doctors and AALRP fell for this crap. We used to have the best healthcare in the world. We are sinking into the same cesspool of mediocrity the rest of the world resides in.

  9. Anonymous10:29 AM

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  10. Anonymous9:13 AM

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  11. Anonymous12:16 PM

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  12. Anonymous1:59 AM

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  13. Anonymous2:46 AM

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  14. Anonymous5:30 AM

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  15. Anonymous7:30 AM

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  16. Anonymous9:19 AM

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