Friday, November 17, 2006

Open Thread

I never thought I would copy an idea from the JT, but I will be away from my computer until Wednesday, and I would love to have some content to come back to. So blog away please.


  1. Warning to all Libs: Sarcasm below:

    I am SOOOOOOOO Thankful for Jim Doyle.

    Thankful for my taxes which will go up as part of your 1.6 billion dollar shortfall, which in your ad's you called a "Balanced Budget".

    Im thankful also for the sales tax increase you will shove down our throats to help cover that shortfall.

    Im thankful for all your new "they are not taxes if I dont call them taxes" - fees, that will hurt the exact people you tried to say you would help with your re-election.

    Im thankful that you are going to tab Kathleen "Never prosecuted anyone" Falk to head the DNR. As if that agency wasent over-regulated enough, here comes Czar Falk.

    I will be thankful however, when Marotta, or some other underling turns over the Smoking Gun evidence to the feds of Diamond Jim "Contracts for Donations" Doyle, that he will have to resign.

    Im thankful for the pain the state will be in for the next four years. Hopefully 55% of the state will wake up, slap themselves in the head and say "Wow, we screwed up"

    All sarcasm aside, may you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving.

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Check out this guy's platform and see what you think?

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I don't agree with him on embryonic stem cell research, abortion, gay marriage, Iraq, term limits, or global warming.

    I agree we need to wrap shit up in Iraq ASAP, but when the plan is complete. I think there is a plan for leaving Iraq, it consists of a series of self Governmental steps that must occur. There maybe no specific times for these steps, but it is not as if we are just blindly feeling around the desert with not end state in mind.

    I am not completely opposed to term limits, I just think we already have them, they are called elections. If us voters are to brain dead to impose term limits then we don't get them.

    I am concerned about the environment as whole, but I don't like his arguement. The stakes are pretty damn high for us if we get hit by a giant meteor but I don't think we need to plan for it if there is no evidence that it is going to happen. G W Bush signed the big methane gas reduction act a few years ago, but I still think Republicans as a party could be way more "green".

    I touched on the issues that I may not agree completely with this guy on, but we could probably work out a compromise. Abortion, embryonic stem cell research and gay marriage, I could not compromise. The other stuff I agree on. It look like I am similar to other people who viewed his platform. I geuss the question is if you believe a political party needs a "big tent". How big does it need to be. When do you stop being a group with common goals and start being a group of groups, or something else.

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

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  5. Anonymous11:10 AM

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  6. Anonymous5:11 AM

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  7. Anonymous4:01 PM

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  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

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  9. Anonymous1:16 AM

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  10. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Give me link to SEO software (promotion, advertisement, etc.). I'm need it to promote my new e-shop.

  11. Anonymous2:46 AM

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  12. Anonymous10:20 AM

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  13. Anonymous11:23 AM

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  14. Anonymous2:14 PM

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  15. Anonymous11:22 AM

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  16. Anonymous7:44 PM


  17. Anonymous7:45 PM

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  18. Anonymous6:09 PM


  19. Anonymous6:09 PM

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  20. Anonymous1:47 PM

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  21. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Due to numerous cultural elements that a specific to a place or territory, a video game, already released in some places and that looks perfectly fine in one territory could be rejected somewhere else. Such issues highlight why video game adaptation - unlike mere translation- is necessary for computer and consoles games.

    However these facts raise an important questions: when does localization cross the line of censorship? Aren't these changes killing some of the game's fun?

    As a recent example, let's see how Yakuza 3 on PS3 was adapted for the US territory. Almost immediately, it came under fire for the huge cuts it suffered at the hands of Western localizers. Apparently, a significant chunk of the cut scenes, minigames, and events were removed from the US release, deemed "inappropriate" for American audiences.

    This gets me wondering: how much of the cut content was actually "inappropriate for American audiences" as in "cultural differences would prevent full understanding and therefore only serve to confuse the player and impede their progress", as opposed to "Americans are generally far more religious and uptight than Japanese people, so we can't show them this kind of nudity and/or violence"? It was certainly a disappointment for gamers who expected to have the same game as the Japanese one after reading reviews and news in video game magazines or forums.

    Regardless as to what country this game is purchased in, by default (due to content) the player will generally be an adult - or at least old enough to understand that the game may contain some "naughty bits". Just look at the cover - this fact is not going to surprise anyone. So who are the publishers to decide even further who this game is for, and what parts they should be allowed to play?.

    Game translation should be given more consideration, and before censoring, developers should rather listen to their gamers at first.
