Thursday, November 16, 2006

Political Correctness 101

This is one post that could haunt me if I ever ran for public office. So, on the outside chance that I do, understand that I am just kidding. So lighten up already. Here goes.

I am concerned about the stigma attached to the term "homeless." A far more sensitive phrase would be "free range humans".


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I love it. You still get my vote.
    How does county board supervisor sound to you.

  2. I am not as interested in county matters as I was a few years back. But my county sup, Ken Hall, is disappointing me regarding the most recent efforts to go after Mac about phone calls from work. I think we would be better served if he used his accounting skills to figure out how to eliminate waste in the county budget.

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Yes, and you should point this out in a nice "lit" piece.

    I see that Milton Freidman(sp) died, you must have been a fan of his. I think you talked about him before.

  4. Perhaps I will express my thoughts at greater length re Ken Hall. And I am a fan of Milton Freidman. I learned alot from his book "Capitalism and Freedom", a book that Ryan Knudson would do well to read, though I suspect he does the same to himself as he does to his students. By that I mean he will avoid considering any viewpoint that does not conform to his leftist belief system. But I digress. I think I will have to read his other book that was cited in the WSJ today, "Free to Choose". I actually learned about Freiman through my readings of Thomas Sowell, another great man who should be a household name.
