Monday, January 15, 2007

Awards and More Awards

If there is an award for the person who wins the most awards, it must certainly go to Corrine Owens. Yesterday Owens received the Peace Mentor of the Year Award from the Peace Learning Circles of Kenosha and Racine. She was desribed in the JT as a longtime civil rights activist. Though I have seen numerous articles about Owens winning this or that award, I have no idea what she has actually accomplished, other than winning awards of course. Is there anyone among my readers who can shed any light on Owens accomplishments?


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Sounds like you have alot of homework to do. Go down to the historical museum archives. What have you done for your community is the question?

    Also, Happy Martin Luther King Day!

  2. Changing the subject again anon? If you can't answer my question about Owens's accomplishments, why don't you just say so? Attempting to educate the likes of you is what I am trying to do for my community.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Happy MLK Day to you too.

    I'm attempting to do the same thing you're attempting. Seems as though neither one of us have been successful.

    Its really ashame you dont want to take the time out to learn the answers of your own question. Its not about me giving you a quick answer as you'd like. You know i'm not going to let you off that easy. Again, go down to the archives and see for yourself.

    And who are "the likes of you"?

  4. Back to the original question please - I believe she started out by helping in passing the Fair Housing laws in the the early 50's (?)and has never stopped fighting.

    She taught school for years and I believe she was one of the forces behind the voluntary desegregation of RUSD in 1977.

    I am sure there were many more accomplishments along the way, but those are the first ones that come to mind.

  5. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Happy Martin Luther King Day!

    Brenda, I'm delighted to see that someone has taken the initiative to unlock their mind. You've touched the surface of the accomplishments of Ms. Owens and those are just the beginning, i would encourage you too to find out more by visiting our local historical museum's archives or talking with her personally, she's a close friend of the family and i can get you in touch with her if you'd like.

    I'm curious as to why no one in this blog has yet to acknowledge MLK day? Could someone please shed some light as to why this is?

  6. Thank you Brenda for answering my question. I asked the same on the JT website as did a few who followed me, and as of now there is no answer. I find it interesting that very few people seem to know what she did, though many of us are aware that she has won many awards.

    Anonymous: All I know about you is that you responded to my question by changing the subject to me and my contribution to society. I was not the intended subject of this blog entry. Furthermore, you suggest that you know something about Ms. Owens, but you refuse to share even a bit of your alledged knowledge. I find this to be rude behavior. Rude people need to be educated. Step one is understanding what constitutes rude behavior. So "the like of you" could learn something by reading and contributing to these discussions, so I welcome your contributions if you have any to offer. So if you have some knowledge of Ms. Owens accomplishments, feel free to share them with me and my readers. If you prefer that her accomplishments remain a secret, so be it.

    For the FreeRacine contributors who are not rude, that "the likes of you" comment was not intended for you.

    Oh and anon, as it seems so important to you, Happy Martin Luther King Day.

  7. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Denis, relax, this is a blog, stop being so sensitive. Of course, few people know the contributions of Ms. Owens because no one is taking the time to learn. Educate yourself. Don't allow people to do it for you.

    I've pointed out probably the most definitive source of information, other than herself, and yet you selectively choose to interpret something else, whose really changing the subject Denis? You honestly expect me to rattle off 80+ years of achievements in a few words? Come on Denis, i would expect more intelligence on your part. Thats not educating Denis, your being intellectually lazy by wanting to be spoon fed cheap info off the street. Transient hearsay from bloggers is not a good source for accurate information, especially on the JT blogs. Denis, i thought you, of all people, would know that. You are not truly seeking answers to your question, just merely whining about something else in hopes of kick starting another one of your divisive discussions and anecdotes.

    I've increasingly become disinterested in this "Free" Racine blog as i discovered that it is only a platform for antiquated, exclusionary, closed-mind, Bush-like outdated ideology. It is just a shallow vehicle for un-creative, divisive, maintain-the-status-quo of power and economics, thinking and attitudes. But history has shown as well, that people who choose not to adapt to their changing environment, will be left behind and eventually become victims of their own ignorance.

    My assessment of this blog is that Eric seems to be the person most informed and can actually maintain some honest to goodness discussion/debate while retaining a grasp of the other perspectives. I'd be interested in talking with him more...I think Brenda too.

    For everyone else, Just please answer these 2 questions. It appears that Denis perceives Martin Luther King Day to be a nuisance and un-important, my question is, do you teach your kids about the life and work of Martin Luther King? I always wondered if conservatives did that...

  8. anon, I now must wonder if you are the same tease that tried to tag our local business organizations with a "whites only" label. If so, there is a pattern developing here, where you claim to have info but are for some odd reasons unwilling to share it. Sorry but I don't find that interesting and I doubt the other readers do either. So if you wish to leave FreeRacine amidst a kind of temper tantrum, I doubt your non-contributions will be missed. On the other hand, if you realize that your mode of communication (or lack thereof)is both irritating and useless, and if you wish to change and offer substantive info and opinion, then of course I would welcome your points of view. The choice is yours.

  9. Anonymous7:33 AM

    more of the same ambiguous issue dodging....

  10. Anonymous7:39 AM

    its apparent you really don't want to learn more about Ms. Owens accomplishments as i stated before...i don't expect a straight answer on that either.

  11. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Can I just say I am not responsible for Anon comments. Denis I disagreed with you in the past and will in the future, but I was wrong for questioning your motives. You seem to really want a dialogue that will improve Racine County unlike some who just want to advance their own agendas, and will do anything to do so. I humbly apologize. Anonymous#2

  12. To anon, the issue was and remains Ms. Owens.

    Anon #2. I am interested in dialogue, thank you for noticing. I especially welcome disagreement and debate, so continue to bring it on. Perhaps we can learn from each other. May I suggest that you choose a nickname so you can be distinguished from anonymous contributors. Of course your actual anonymity is assured as I will have no idea of your true identity.
