Monday, January 15, 2007

FreeRacinians Readers to Meet in Person

OK, that title involves some wishful thinking, but how about we get together on Tuesday, January 23rd at the Java Vino on Main Street in downtown Racine. It is smoke free (voluntarily) and they serve coffee and wine and some food as well. The first drink is on me. All are welcome and that includes detractors like anon. So how about it Wade, Brenda, Kathy, Fred, Preachrboy, Eric, Sam, Robin, Bill, Greg and everyone else I forgot to mention. See you there!


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    On Tues and Thurs I am in class during the day, but something likely could be worked late afternoon/early evening.

  2. We'll see. I'm going to be doing council meetings on Tuesdays.

  3. :(

    On Tuesdays I have schools from 5-10PM.

    Have a drink for me though, okay?

  4. Hmm... perhaps not the best day for me either. You didn't mention the time, Denis, but I am assuming evenings work better for most?

    How about Mondays?

  5. Oh I didn't mention a time. How about 7pm. Eric will be able to join us and Fred can cut out early hopefully from a city council meeting. Wade and I sometimes go to those meetings and meet afterwords with Alderman Helding, also an ocassional FreeRacine contributor.And Brenda, c'mon, where are your priorities? Thanks for all the feedback.

  6. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Denis, do you want to talk about warped priorities?...American Idol is on Tuesday nights!!!:)
    But I guess if that night works for everyone else, and seein' that you're buyin' and all, I'm sure that I can work somethin' out...:)

  7. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I would love to be there but I will be in Madison...Have one (at least :) for me!

  8. Well I will try to make it, but probably won't get there till 730 or so..
