Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Official Hate Speech

It looks like Kay of is giving Micheal McGee a run for his money. Here is an excerpt of her latest, a comment on the death of evangelist Jerry Falwell: "All's well that ends Falwell." Normally it would be best to ignore the hate-filled rantings on the blogs, but in this case it is important to note that Kay apparantly holds a statewide position with the Democratic Party. If I have read here blog correctly, she is the secretary for the first congressional district. If the Dems had any sense, they would remove her from office.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Well, I don't think this quite stoops to the level of McGee, Sr...actually it takes a lot to get that low. But I don't understand the left's need to slam the coffin door shut after someone's died.

    Only way I can explain statements like Kay's is that her impotence to defeat him in life has now changed to a power rush since now that he's dead, she gets to throw the last punch! Does that make sense?

    BTW, Kay doesn't have a statewide position. Sec of the 1st congressional district would be primarily a record keeper for the area Paul Ryan represents - Rock, Walworth, Kenosha, Racine and parts of Milwaukee and Waukesha counties. Let's not give her more credit than she due, OK? ;^)

  2. Thanks Q for the clarification on Kays position in the Dem party. It wasn't entirely clear to me after reading her blog. In either case, my hope is that Dems could take the high road and purge their ranks of people willing to spew hate filled comments about recently deceased people. BTW, this is what McGee did recently as he celebrated the death of Charlie Sykes mother. The comparison is fair I think, at least with regards to her recent comments. But it will take alot more to really be in his league hate wise, I would agree. I hope this is not a goal of hers. I would much prefer if she would just decide to be more responsible and reasonable in her comments.

  3. I would also hope that more Repubs would take the high road and call for the resignation of Alberto Gonzalez, and deny Annette Zeigler from lying her way to the top by committing even more deceptions behind the bench.

    Repubs have some serious credibility issues, i don't think members of God's Party should be lying so much, God doesn't like liars. Maybe he has a preference for Republican liars.

    Also, what McGee said was crazy, but conservative radio jocks also spew hate as well, will you publicly denounce them too?

  4. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Well CTW, I tend to prefer to deal with local issues, but hate is hate regardless of who's mouth it comes out of. As such, for example, Imus's comments were bad and he knows it. He apologized but I will be surprised if Kay apologizes. Denis Navratil.

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Regardless of the importance of the position her behavior reflects badly on the state. I don't think the local dem party pays alot of attention to her blog though because she does not hold much credibility with them.

  6. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Denis, true in deed, hate is hate no matter where it comes from but selectively choosing to publicly denounce one source (mcgee) but not the others (belling, sykes, o'reilly, etc..) is shifting responsibility, a cardinal sin in the world of conservatives.

    Kay is so irrelevant i don't think it warrants discussion. But I do wonder if anyone thinks Ziegler's behavior reflects badly on the state or republicans?

  7. Anonymous8:29 PM

    To the last anonymous poster - When I said her behavior reflects badly on the state I meant to say the state democratic party. I somehow left out a couple words, sorry, shouldn't type when I'm tired.

  8. anon, I catch O'Rielly, Belling and Sykes on TV or radio with some regularity. I know of Bellings use of the word "wetback" which I believe to be wrong, but other than that incident, I am not aware of any comments that I consider hate-filled. Perhaps you could offer some recent examples. Is being conservative itself a hateful act in your mind anon?

  9. So anon and Denis, are you denouncing Ziegler's actions too?

  10. Anonymous10:32 AM

    What exactly did Ziegler do?

    Not recuse herself from items settled out of court that never got in front of her?

    That is the majority of what you folks are bitching about.

    Tell you what, your side blew it by trying to put procedural issues up as bad ethics.

    Shot yourselve in the foot is what you did.

    There were a couple of cases where she should have recused herself, but there is no evidence or complaint of any impropriety by either counsel in those cases.

    You idiot leftists tried your damndest to make a mountain of ethics issues out of an ant hill.

    And it shot you in the foot.

    Why don't you lick your wounds go in the corner and complain to someone who cares?

  11. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Real Debate, are you always that angry and incoherent? I see why you lost your bid for alderman, no one wants a raving lunatic representing them. Geez. I prefer to have discussions, not the "ram-my-idiotic-rantings-down-your-throat" style of conversations you do.

    Relax, before you have a heart attack before you're actually able to lose another election....

  12. Anon, a quick reminder of one
    of my favorite quotes "don't argue with a fool, people might not know the difference"

    Ziegller was accused of wrongdoing, finally admitted to the wrongdoing, paid out of pocket to settle her wrongdoing, but Real Debate still thinks there was no wrongdoing...

    God should be informed that he has raging loose screws walking amongst his political party.

  13. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Geez, I haven't been to Kay's site for such a long time. So, I see she is still at it. How sad.

    JT had a Falwell blog too and people jumped at the chance to talk mean and disgusting things about the man.

    I requested that some comments be removed but they left them up for at least 24 hours before finally removing the whole blog. I am pretty sure that was intentional.
