Friday, May 18, 2007

Question to Ponder

Which would be worse, to be hated or hate-filled, or to rephrase the question, to be a hatee or a hater? I will provide my own answer, hopefully after some readers will offer their own thoughts on the subject.


  1. I do not feel a true hatred toward anyone and don’t know that I would want to…there are too many other things to worry about in this world.

    So I guess I would rather be hated than hate-filled.

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    You've been reading Kay again I see.

  3. or if you hate everyone equally?

  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    "There are people in this world who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that", Tom Lehrer from 'That was the Year that Was'.

  5. I would want neither - but if I was hated for something I believed in, I guess I could live with that.

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    It would depend on why the person is hated. If it's due to racism, prejudism, or any other "ism" than I'd rather be the one who is hated.

    If the person or people are hated due to some true violation of others rights, like (for immediate lack of a better example) Hitler and the 3rd Riech, than I'd rather be the one doing the hating.

  7. i dont hate anyone, or not any race of people... OK wait, I hate stupid people, I hate inattentive drivers on cell phones, The IRS, (note) The IRS spells theirs... um...

  8. I need a mulligan.

    I want to change my answer to something more like Sandy's....

    I had not considered people like Hitler, Mussolini, or Bin Laden when I answered previously- I had only taken my beliefs in consideration.

  9. Hands down I would rather be the hatee than the hater. The hater can't have a clear conscience while the hatee could. Brenda, I thought your first answer was just fine.

  10. Anonymous6:48 PM

    What if you are both???

  11. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Tell me about it!!

  12. I prefer being the hatee. But haters who make decisions that effect people's lives should be cause for concern.
