Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Just Wondering

John Edwards has called for manditory medical procedures as part of his universal health care plan. Anything manditory, by definition, precludes choice. How would Edwards square his plan for manditory medical procedures with a woman's right to choose an abortion?


  1. Since his plan probably calls for mandatory birth control, perhaps this will not be a probem? :)

  2. Good point brenda. But seriously, if one argues that that an abortion is permissible on the grounds of a right to privacy regarding ones body, how can one also hold that one does not have that same right with respect to medical procedures on the same body. To be consistent, Edwards would have to either admit that women do not have a right to bodily privacy, hence no right to abort, or that we do have a right to bodily privacy, which would negate his idea of manditory bodily health procedures.

  3. Anonymous7:40 PM

    "mandatory precludes choice"....let's eliminate "mandatory" courses students take in school and give them 8 hours of electives. That's choice, to hell with anything mandatory.

  4. I am not sure what your point is anon. Does it have anything to do with Edwards contradictory views?

  5. He frightens me. Imprisoning people because they don’t go in for a prostate exam? Its a palpable violation of the 13th amendment’s prohibition of involuntary servitude. Mandatory checkups are required labor that you are not getting payment or compensation for, i.e. SLAVERY!!!
