Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Water Politics

I didn't realize that one makes a political statement by drinking bottled water. Then I heard about a proposed tax on bottled water in Chicago. And this weekend I listened to two different authors tout their books on C-Span. One thought that bottled water demonstrated the superiority of the private sector, while the other author felt that bottled water was proof of consumerism run amuck and the cause of needless environmental damage. What do you think?


  1. I think the government is organizing a media campaign against bottled water, because they want everyone to be drinking from the same supply when they introduce the mind control drugs to the public water system.

  2. Bottled water could be the solution for the whole Great Lakes watershed problem. For example, if Waukesha really wants Lake Michigan water that badly, they could just buy truckloads of Dasani, which uses filtered Milwaukee tap water. If the price tag is too steep, they could opt for Roundy's store brand which bottles filtered municipal H20 from Kenosha.

    Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

  3. Wow! So even bottled water isn't safe from the mind control drugs that will be introduced to the water suppy by the government!

  4. I drink bottled water to avoid needless environmental damage to my vital organs!

  5. Anonymous4:00 AM

    If you are on the city of Racine water supply, you are basically drinking bottled water. They just installed a state of the art filtration system a year or so ago.

    If you don't like the chlorination, run it through a carbon filter (like a Brita) to remove the chlorine.

  6. But can a charcoal filter remove the mind control drugs introduced to the water suppy by the government?

    (Ok, I'll stop now.)

  7. Anonymous6:23 PM

    People pay more for water than gas and don't complain. Who'd have thunk it ... perhaps the inventor of the 'Pet Rock'.

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Is it any better to drink bottles of soda? At least water is better for you. At work I wouldn't tend to bring a glass and fill at the bathroom sink or run to the water fountain all day, but I do drink water if I bring bottles.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I just have to share this with you Denis...

    My favorite part is under Rent-Free Housing.

  11. Grrr... the hyperlink didn't take (again), but the address is valid.

  12. I checked that out Caledon. Those people are nut cases.
