Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Don't Forget

See you all tommorrow, Thursday, 7 pm at the Ivanhoe.


  1. Denis,

    I am in Ohio, otherwise I would be there.

  2. Oh darn preachrboy, I thoroughly enjoyed watching you dance on the bar last year.

  3. Anonymous9:31 PM

    What an interesting looking group, clustered into a corner by the door...

  4. What an interesting looking group, clustered into a corner by the door...

    Congratulations Anon. You have finally demonstrated what a deeply disturbed psychopath you really are...

    Also, Denis I'll be happy to work undercover security at the next Free Racine get-together.

  5. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Dear Anon:
    I was sure you would make an appearance, however clandestine. I'm surprised you braved the snow. I'm sure you were shocked to find that there was very little knuckle dragging.
    Next time strap on a pair, and pony up to the table.

  6. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Is the tavern not a public place? Am I at fault because I am not part of your group?

    Get a life.

  7. Is the tavern not a public place? Am I at fault because I am not part of your group?

    Get a life.

    You really, really are an idiot. It would have to be impossible for you to demonstrate any more definitively, that you are the one who needs to get a life. I would have agreed with U.P. that you need to get a pair, but that would mean we would have to reconsider the ramifications of abortion.

  8. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Blogger Caledonication said...

    Is the tavern not a public place? Am I at fault because I am not part of your group?

    Get a life.

    Pray to God for yourself...

  9. "Blogger Caledonication said...

    Is the tavern not a public place? Am I at fault because I am not part of your group?

    Get a life."

    Actually anon, you posted that comment, not I. Are you legitimately brain damaged or just infinitely stupid?

    "Pray to God for yourself..."

    If you had any godliness in you, you would have resigned yourself to silently say a prayer for me. Another example of your backassward thinking.

  10. "Blogger anonymous said...
    Pray to God for yourself..."

    Anonymous, pray to me for yourself...
