Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Random Thoughts

I watched a bit of the New Hampshire primary coverage last night and thought I would share some random thoughts.

If I had some change for every time a candidate mentioned change....

Adults look silly when they chant and wave for a politician.

Unity (Obama) is a more popular concept than disunity (Edwards two Americas.)

If you want to be a big time politician, learn to fake authenticity.


  1. Looks like crying (Clinton) trumps unity (Obama) and disunity (Edwards two Americas.)

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    tears from the ice queen tricked them

  3. Tears and maybe, just maybe, a wee bit of vote fraud.

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    The sound bite of the tears cuts short the rest of her display when through her tears she managed to play up that she was was ready to be prez and others (Obama) were not. Disingenuous - maybe, but most voters never had a chance to make that judgement because most media outlets never showed her entire response to the question - they just showed it to the point when she got misty eyed.

  5. Anonymous9:36 PM

    New Hampshire and Vermont are as white as our states get. That Obama did so well should tell you something.

    This is going to be an interesting election.

    Hillary stood up for herself.

  6. Anonymous9:30 PM

    America is about money and ownership.

    That is PROVED here.

  7. Anonymous where does your self-loathing come from? What happened to you that caused you to have such low self-esteem? You can tell us, we're your friends, that's why you are here, because you know we will listen.
