Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Judge Ziegler Molested by JT Editorialists

I have not followed the Annette Zeigler saga with any particular zeal, and I am sure that I will be corrected if mistaken, but Zeigler has not been accused of or convicted of a crime. That bit of information might come as a surprise to anyone who read the Journal Times editorial this morning. Read it here for yourself:

From the editorial: "It is true that Ziegler did not commit a major crime..." and "While not a violent crime..." and "Fifteen days' suspension would be innapropriate because her crime was not violent." Gee, might the reader conclude that Judge Ziegler has committed a crime?

Now it is true that the molestation of Zeigler by the Journal Times was not a major crime, and while the molestation was not of a sexual nature, I believe that the Journal Times should nonetheless discontinue the practice of molesting women.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Who's writing the editorials down there now that Steve Lovejoy has been promoted to Editor? Is it Chris (Glad U Asked) Bennett?

    Someone should ask him if he has ever made a mistake! And did he volunteer to take 5 days off without pay to atone for his actions?


  2. cforc, I asked a JT reporter that very question. If I remember correctly, he said that several people take turns.

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

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  4. How the pork and earmarks in Congress...let Ziegler rule in court on family matters...

    Huh? Wha...? Your use of ellipsis...makes about as much your comments.

    I think...the perfect account name for you...would be "ellipsis"...
