Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I wonder how the unions-can-do-no-wrong folks will react to this post. We will soon find out.

The Union Grove High School teachers union is battling with the administration over their next contract. According to the teachers union, there was a tenative agreement that "called for paying each teacher $1,000 in return for eliminating three years of retirement health insurance for future teachers hires." The union is now upset that the board wishes to reduce the payoff to $500, and this is one of the contentious issues. This info can be found in today's Racine Journal Times.

OK, now let us be clear about what is NOT in dispute. Union Grove Teachers ARE willing to reduce the benefits of future teachers. No, they will not reduce their own benefits. Those are secure. But they don't mind sacrificing the benefits of future teachers. Of course they won't screw their future coworkers because of a sense of fiscal or civic responsibility. No, they are screwing them for the money. And to think that future teachers will have to pay for this "representation."


  1. This does explain why unions-can-do-no-wrong folks and their ilk are always bleating that conservatives are greedy, selfish, and don’t care about anyone else. Psychologists call it projection.

  2. Where are all the defenders of unionism?

  3. It is awful quiet in here...

  4. I think you've convinced them that unions are bad. Way to go! For you're next trick, persuade Doyle that a Wisconsin governor does not need sharks with frick'en laser beams attached to their heads.

  5. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Navratil in person this afternoon. What a delightful couple. One would hope to have neighbors such as these.

    Yes, yes, yes... there is a point to this comment and yes it does have to do with this topic (so don’t delete me for blowing smoke, Denis).

    Denis brought up an excellent ideology during our visit. He indicated that he and his wife felt it important for quality small businesses to support each other and to spread the word, when deserved. This would certainly work toward progress and prosperity for those who deserve it. This also would also (obviously) contribute to local economic growth. I find this logic to be in stark contrast to the logic that suggests that one should be well compensated, for belonging to a club, er… I mean union.

    I think Denis; you may have solved the riddle, as to how to make both “sides” happy. Using your ideology, one could be prosperous and feel good about oneself.

  6. Thank you for the kind words caledonication. It was nice meeting you as well.Regarding my philosphy on good businesses, small or otherwise, why not spread the word? It is a win win situation.

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

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  8. Unions are necessary and a moral 'right' of workers, so as to balance power with an 'owner society'.

    And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you as well.

  9. anon, your comment, even if true, was off subject. If you wish to defend the behavior of the teachers union in Union Grove, I promise not to delete it.
