Thursday, January 24, 2008

Progressive Thoughts

"In a perfect world, every pregnancy would be celebrated and each infant would be welcomed healthy and hearty into a community dedicated to the unlimited potential of every individual. It is a world worth having, but one we are unlikely to achieve with the current impasse of opinion on women’s reproductive rights..." This statement was issued by the newly formed Women's Progressive Network of Racine County.

So let me see if I have this right. According to the Women's Progressive Network of Racine County, all women will celebrate their pregnancies and deliver babies so long as we all first agree that women can freely abort their babies, if they wanted to, not that they would of course, because what kind of celebration would that be, I mean, we want to have the babies, and the celebration wouldn't be the same if we terminated the pregnancy, not that they would because a terminated pregnancy wouldn't result in a child, its just that, well, we really don't want to terminate the pregnancy, we just want to, you know, have the right to terminate the pregnancy, even though we never would do such a thing, not that there is anything wrong with the idea mind you, its just that we wouldn't do it because we want to live in a perfect world where all pregnancies are celebrated and all children are born and we can have that world if you would just agree with us that, if we wanted to terminate a pregnancy, we could, not that we would. Got that?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Do you think they're taking their cues from Miss South Carolina?

  3. They weren't calunp, but perhaps I was. I probably shouldn't have been so snotty but I felt compelled to point out the absurdity of the notion that if we only agreed that abortion is OK, we could end abortions. It is amazing to me that adults could think this way.

  4. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Hey - the people of Illinois were told that the tolls would go away if they were increased, then built more toll booths, then began the IPASS program . . .

  5. Anonymous4:16 PM

    As I am an actual practicing Christian on this blog, and thus am pro-life, I assume that this is an attempt show hypocrisy on the part of this group...

    I can't disagree on the pro-life belief, but those who post here better look long and hard in the mirror regarding moral and ethical issues that are not abortion, but those that encompass 'love thy nieghbor'.

  6. I would say absurdity rather than hypocrisy anon. Their argument makes no sense.

  7. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Funny - I am pro-life...and you all call me a leftist commy pinko...

    That is RICH!

  8. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Have any of you been arrested for praying in front of an abortion store in Milwaukee as I have?

    Have any of you devoted your lives to helping the aged for little to no compensation as I have?


  9. Anonymous10:03 PM

    If you want the real story on this group don't bother with their proclamations . Look at their structure and who's running the show. Who is welcome and who is not.
    Somebody is building their own personal campaign machine while others are going to be making money off this.
    They are less progressive than the American Conservative Union.

  10. anon 9:31, it is a bit ridiculous for an anonymous person to tout their accomplishments.

    anon 10:03, good points. This group wants to be secrective. They have a secret blog and are a women only group. Do you know anything else about them? If so, please share.

  11. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I actually did look at some of these anon comments. A few comments/questions for anon 9:31:

    1. It is great that you act on your drive to help people through protests and helping the aged. It is also great that you say you are "an actual practicing Christian on this blog" (the implication is that the rest of us are not). But didn't Christ himself warn not to blast a trumpet in the streets before giving alms and changing the appearance of one's face so everyone will know you are fasting? You want some kind of recognition for your Christianity, protests and aged advocacy because you announced it here. That makes you one of those H word people, pal.

    2. Are you the same anon that was class president, really cool and could beat up Tony Romo's dad?

  12. Anonymous1:46 PM

    But didn't Christ himself warn not to blast a trumpet in the streets before giving alms and changing the appearance of one's face so everyone will know you are fasting?

    I AM anonymous, now, aren't I.

    Point made.

  13. Anonymous1:51 PM

    2. Are you the same anon that was class president, really cool and could beat up Tony Romo's dad?

    I was never 'cool'.

    I played Ramiro Romo in lunchtime basketball and won.

    Do facts even matter here?

  14. Anonymous1:58 PM

    No, point not made. And I'm not someone in a wheelchair playing hoops with you. You may be anon but you had to say that you did this and did that and aren't you great and wonderful? Does your tongue ever snap off its roller when you are spewing your bullshit?

  15. Anonymous2:36 PM

    It just occured to me - anon could combine his senior citizen advocacy, abortion clinic protests and basketball prowess. He could challenge some senior citizens to a basketball game in front of an abortion clinic. It would be best to only invite folks who use walkers - they will be easier to beat.

  16. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I'm anon 10:03
    I understand that the Halls got very active with progressive majority in order for Ken to win a seat without participating with either the republican or democratic parties because of where he lives. But, he needed a campaign machine.
    It was Progressive Majority that was instructing Debra Hall how to set up this women's group and have been really running it in the background. It makes it seem like it's a real local grassroots group when it's really a chapter of the Progressive Majority. And, the shots are not called by the local women. Instead they're guided to decisions that they then think they came up with themselves.
    The progressive majority staff get paid based on how many people they can recruit, like job performance. Plus, I think they get paid expenses.
    Debra joined the democratic party to use their resources. I think that is pretty shameless.
    the Halls and this women's group have a lot of people really kept in the dark and all the big decisions come from only very few in the group. They are pulling the wool over the eyes of a lot of women by making them think they have a say when mostly it's all been decided beforehand.

  17. Interesting stuff anon. I read up a bit on Progressive Majority. One blogger, Dennis York, alledges that they were behind the smear campaign re McReynolds and the bumpers. If you and York are correct, that would be two incidents with Hall connections. But seeing as they are a secretive group, I can't judge until I have proof.

  18. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Jeep owner,
    Get a clue.
    Life is NOT about you.
    It's about God's children - are you one?
