Saturday, January 26, 2008

Selective Vision?

I want to preface my simple and very unscientific observation with a few words. I have no idea whether the Racine Police delivered an unjust beating to Racine resident Bilal Gilleylen the other day. And there is such a thing as a just beating in my opinion, especially if the suspect was trying to take an officers gun. So I will withhold judgement on the issue until the facts are in.

Now my observations. It seems as if eyewitnesses are quite scarce when someone is shot or killed in Racine, but there appear to be no shortage of eyewitnesses when the police are accused of a crime. Or is my observation mistaken?


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    good observation Denis, plus the 3 on tv that just "happened" to be outside all gave a different story

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Thousands of folks watched lynchings of black men on Sunday afternoon in the old days; Nobody cared.

    How times have changed...

  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    On your high horse again I see Denis. Tell me YOU'VE never made a mistake. You've never been caught with numerous bags of drugs with the intent to deliver and had to be restrained as you reached for a policeman's weapon? This blog is ridiculous and out of control.

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    That is a good point Denis.
    Thanks for the hyperbole Anon.
    The fact that the people on the street are more upset at the police for trying to enforce the law than they are a someone dealing drugs where they live is very telling.

    not the dumbass anon

  5. Anonymous2:51 PM

    On 12 that night I saw the "witnesses" ALL had gang tatoo's so who should we belive?

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Great observation Denis. Glad you are back.

  7. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Good People vs. Bad people again, I see.

    I guess I know what side you all think that you are on.
