Monday, February 18, 2008

Harborfest Downtown?

So Harborfest is a no go this summer. To bad. The organizers have stated that the costs of bands and the cost of renting the festival grounds ($28,000?) are too high. I think they are right.

The streets of downtown would be a far better venue and the costs could be reduced dramatically. They could shut down Main Street for far less money. They could rope off the side streets and collect donations at a few locations. They could save money on bands by having many of our local bands perform for far less $. And I believe people would prefer to have a big party on the street where they could also shop in stores, eat in restaurants, drink at bars etc... Full disclosure- this would be good for my business. But that is not the point. I think people would prefer to have the venue on the street.

Agree? Disagree? Let's hear it.


  1. Party On the Pavement is usually pretty successful. I would love for them to expand upon this. It is too bad about HarborFest, but it was too expensive. If I'm going to pay $8 to walk around and listen to music, I'll go the extra mile and head up to Milwaukee for Summerfest.

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    The words what killed Harbor Fest
    Just like when the pulled there stunt with the ice artists.
    Look into it.

  3. Anonymous7:11 PM

    HarborFest was killed by the exorbitant cost of renting Festival Park, the same way the Festival of Trees has been all but killed off by the overpriced union labor and short sighted pricing policies that ignore the benefits to the community and to downtown businesses.

    When someone does a painting of the death of Racine, it will be AFSCME and SEIU employees strangling a golden goose.

  4. anon, how could DRC kill Harbor Fest? DRC has nothing to do with running or promoting Harbor Fest.

    Anon 2 may be on to something.

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I have allways talked it up about harborfest,the great bands the fun, to bad I can't talk it up anymore. Main st. is for the party on the pavment, not harborfest!

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The DRC did nothing to HarborFest...

    When the festival grounds were built, it was a gathering place, the city came out and stated they would only charge what it cost to keep the grounds up and running.

    Somewhere, someone realized they could make money...

    Remember all the festivals that USED to be at the festival grounds... When I was younger, it seemed like atleast every weekend SOMETHING was going on...

    Here's where you take the idea and run with it...

    Start up HarborFest again. But don't focus on making money to give out scholarships.

    Just focus on making enough money, that you can have it next year.

    Don't sign big name, high priced acts. Sign the local bands. They will be just as good, and a fraction of the cost.

    If it takes off in a five or ten years, then look at giving away profits.

  7. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Racine Harbor Fest was a victim of short-sighted board members with little or no real life business experience. Who does not anticipate and factor in the various costs of doing business LIKE VENUE RENTAL? C'mon, quit giving these guys all of the excuses and call a spade a spade-- inept but well intentioned volunteers who lost sight of their mission.

  8. My band, The Bradburys, played the last couple of Harbor Fests. We still get people that ask us what happened. It was a great family fest with excellent headliners like The Smithereens, The Knack, Joan Jett...I always thought the entrance fee was a bit much, though.
