Sunday, February 17, 2008

Change, Hope and Strict Constructionism

I met Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Mike Gableman the other day. He has broad shoulders, an infectious smile, and a firm handshake. He is hopeful and he likes change. I think I heard some rattling around in his pocket. Yes we can bring more change and a spirit of hopefullness to Wisconsin. I am sooooooo excited!

Oh, and one more thing. He believes that a judges job is to judge in accordance with the Wisconsin Constitution, irrespective of his personal views.

Or maybe I just thought that is what I heard as I looked into those soft, dreamy eyes....


  1. errrr.... {8-S}

    Ok, maybe the last sentence was a bit TMI.

  2. Just kidding Caledon. Hey what does {8-S} mean?

  3. It's a sideways face, leaning to the left. Starting from the left, a furled brow, wide open eyes, small nose, confused mouth, then jowly chin. It is an ascii representation of the face of someone who is quite discombobulated. Like the just kidding face. ;-)

  4. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Hmmm, nice to meet a conservative who's aware that Wisconsin has a constitution, too. If you care about our state constitution, don't let your apparent man-crush on Gableman cloud your judgment--Butler's your man.
