Friday, February 15, 2008

High on Obama

Is there a difference between a Barack Obama speech and mood elevating drugs?


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I am so thrilled to vote for Obama on Tuesday. He is for change and the future. How can anyone be opposed to the Future!! I mean , like, Ya know. I made a decision a few weeks ago, that if Mitt didn't make the cut I would vote for Barack, just please make the Klinton's go away!! If we really want to end the divisiveness of Bush vs. Gore/ Kerry, let's just get them off the scene. After Barack wins the Move-on vote and pushes her aside. We can focus on just how Vapid Obama's message is. I do hope McCain will add a Conservative to his ticket, Romney, Paul Ryan, Crist, just please not Lindsey Graham, or Chuck Hagel.

    So Free'pers what U think???

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I say see you at Java Vino at 4 PM today -

  3. Did you see what Putin said about Hillary today? "At a minimum, a head of state should have a head...". I was thinking of voting for Hillary to continue the bleeding of funds by the Dems. Both seem unelectable. Hillary being without a head (does that explain the hole Monica thing?) and Obama with his plans to invade Pakistan.

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Yes. Mood elevating drugs usually are effective on just about anyone that takes them regardless of the intelligence or reasoning ability of the user. Barak Hussein Obama speeches, on the other hand...

  5. Anonymous8:25 AM

    There is an undeniable energy about Obama that has been missing in America for a long time. During its absence the majority of people in this country have suffered. These people do not want to hear how things are better now because we know better.

    Obama is not vapid, Urban, nor a drug, nor the subject of a coffee teardown gathering. He is not going to go away. He is likely to be the next president. Grace be with him.

  6. Obama will win because he is the Anti-Christ. It is predestined. He has been gifted with the influence of an opiate and the seduction of the serpent. His promises are just as empty. The Clintons were simply a mere distraction.

    Grace be with you.

    CK, I see you have settled on your drug of choice. Crack Obama.

  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    In the name of god who but the fool or the devil himself

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Other than being racist, what do you people have against Obama (you can't say because you are a republican)? Denis, your wife was a t the Obama rally, and she obviously supports him. Have you talked to her about her views, or do you ignore them and force your opinions on her as you do with users of this blog that do not agree with you?

  9. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Nemo, where do you get the message that obama wants to invade pakistan?(Remember that fox news is not an actual source of information)

  10. anon, is a person racist because they don't support Obama? And you are stalking my wife now too? I hate to break it to you anon, but one's presence at a campaign rally is not necessarily an indicator of support. My wife is an adult anon. She will make up her own mind about who she will vote for. Whether or not we discuss politics is frankly none of your business. And if you gathered anything about my wife while stalking her, you would know that she will not be forced to think one way or another. You are creeping me out anon.

  11. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Looking forward to an Obama v McCain general election. Will cross-over Tuesday and vote Obama.

  12. I see quite a few Hillary supporters and surrogates (her husband included) engaging in the politics of personal destruction. One of the primary things that attracts people to Obama is his call to end all that. His detractors only prove his point.

  13. Greg, I hope you are not suggesting that all of Obamas detractors are engaging in the politics of personal destruction. I think he rightly deserves criticism for his empty rhetoric and scrutiny of his record.

  14. Anonymous said...

    "Nemo, where do you get the message that obama wants to invade pakistan?"

    From the Washington Post
    Thursday, August 2, 2007; Page A01

    "Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama issued a pointed warning yesterday to Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, saying that as president he would be prepared to order U.S. troops into that country unilaterally if it failed to act on its own against Islamic extremists."

    Anything else Anon?

  15. I was really impressed by how many types of people were at Obama's rally. Young, old, hispanic, white, black, asian, indian, you name it they were there.

    It made me question why you don't see that same phenomenon at local republican rallys? I checked out the Racine Republican party's website and didn't see a brown skinned person anywhere. Not one. I'd be curious to find out from the local repubs why do you think this is?

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    bunch a wack jobs going to vote on emotions

  17. Anonymous7:35 AM

    dropzone, are these "bunch a wack jobs voting on emotions" worse than the wack jobs who buy guns on emotions to go on killing sprees at malls, college and high school campuses and churches?

  18. Anonymous7:41 AM

    After monitoring a few blog sites for the last few months I come to the conclusion that, sad to say, bloggers are articulating how they think. This being so it is little wonder that we as a nation are in trouble because one cannot have a discussion without instantly receiving responding insults and despot blanket blindness at the worst and lowest level. Discussion ends and pot shots begin. Even this bastion of rational thinking republicanism website gets infiltrated by spambrains. Is this fear of change? If so, it goes way beyond party politics.

  19. conscious thought, if these people voting on emotion, put into office an under experienced Senator that says he will “order U.S. troops into that country unilaterally” in spite of the fact that Pakistan is a nuclear armed ally, I would not call them worse, but instead more dangerous. Tens of millions of times more dangerous.

  20. "dropzone, are these "bunch a wack jobs voting on emotions" worse than the wack jobs who buy guns on emotions to go on killing sprees at malls, college and high school campuses and churches?"

    Shut up whack-job.

    "After monitoring a few blog sites for the last few months I come to the conclusion that, sad to say, bloggers are articulating how they think. This being so it is little wonder that we as a nation are in trouble because one cannot have a discussion without instantly receiving responding insults and despot blanket blindness at the worst and lowest level. Discussion ends and pot shots begin. Even this bastion of rational thinking republicanism website gets infiltrated by spambrains. Is this fear of change? If so, it goes way beyond party politics."

    Shut up spam-brain.

  21. I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned anything about the hubbub regarding the sound bites comparing “Barrack Obama” and “The Rock”. When I heard them side-by-side, it was unmistakable. Apparently, politicians have gone from Hollywood to WWE.

    All over YouTube.

  22. Anonymous1:40 PM

    whatever anon, at least you know who i am, not know where to find me...
    Caledonia - I heard the same sound bytes.. they sound alike... can you smellllll what the barack is cookin

  23. Dropzone, if you are referring to me, I am not "that" anonymous, I am "the" anonymous and I was responding to unconscious thought and concrete-skull kate's comments. If you were talking about the other anonymous (you know the anonymous one?) then please disregard this comment.

    You can always determine the real "Anonymous" by looking at the word anonymous above the thread. If it is a blue hyperlink then you know you're talking to the real mccoy, anything else is purely anonymous.

  24. Anonymous5:50 PM


    This anonymous is a liberal!!


  25. Anonymous7:47 AM

    hard to keep the anon's apart, all look

    Katie yes they are all shooting up schools with SAW tattoos

    Special Election year sale on Sniper rifles j/k

    grassy knoll anyone?
