Thursday, February 28, 2008

Question of the Day

Who will encounter the most discrimination, a person coming out as a homosexual, or a person who announces that he is a Christian?


  1. Why would someone be descriminated against for being homosexual?

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Give me a break...what a polemical question.

    78% of people CLAIM to be Christian.

    What do YOU think.


  3. Can a question be polemical?

  4. I think it depends... if the person actually espouses the tenets of Christianity, for instance, claims to believe in sin, Hell, and some of the less politically correct teachings... then maybe the Christian.

    The message of the cross is foolishness to the Greeks and a stumbling block (scandal) to the Jews. A true Christian can expect to ruffle peoples' feathers.

    But if you are a squishy liberal Christian who believes in just being nice to people and "trying" to follow "the golden rule", and that what the Bible has to say is really irrelevant to life, and that mentioning Jesus and what he does is too specific... Well, our culture likes those kinds of Christians.

    But social woe unto him who dares criticize the morality of homosexuality! Anathema, eh?

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    A question is 'leadfing', thus polemical.

    They are thrown out in court.

  6. I suspect that you are correct preachrboy.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
