Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Study Proposal

Racine Unified apologists believe that there is one thing preventing Unified from being a great school district. That one thing is sucky parents.

I propose a study of our local sucky parents. A sucky parent would be defined as one with sucky children who cause problems in school if they bother to show up. Let's gather some cold hard facts about these sucky parents. Criminal records, work histories, educational accomplishments etc...

My guess is that what we would find is a correlation between parental suckiness and exposure to Racine Unified or other dysfunctional school systems. And if my hunch is correct, we would know that Unified has played a significant role in shaping the sucky parents that now plague Unified.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I worked at Central Office for 1 year directing a School to Work program. Racine Unified merely mirrors Racine itself, a provincial town where those in positions of power attempt to push their agendas, from RAMAC, activist to right wing groups, to 'some' entrenched teachers who feel under siege from local right wing activists both nationally and locally, to Administration whom generally cow-tows to local activist businesses and individuals whom have 'special interests'.
    Racine 'used to be' a shining star; however, Racinian provintialism has destroyed that years ago - to the detriment of the youth being educated in Racine.

  2. Anon, you make it sound as if Racine Unified is heavily influenced by right wingers. Hardly. Racine Unified is controlled by the very far left teachers union and is supported by a left of center populace. Why then, are they unable to produce?

    Also, like many Unified apologists, you wish to blame society. Well our society in Racine is largely left of center. Is it the liberals that you blame? No, you blame the right. Explain that to me please.

    And lastly, you write that "Racine Unified merely mirrors Racine itself." Racine Unified is our most expensive and most extensive government program. Does it really just mirror Racine or does it shape Racine? If it just mirrors Racine, why would we want it?

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Denis, since you seem to be so firm in your knowledge of what ails RUSD, I believe they're accepting applications for superintendent, and school board spots open every 2 years. I think you miss the mark in your asppraisals of teachers - since you have a college degree, get yourself on the substitute teacher list and have a close look inside, then let us know what you think.

  4. What appraisal have I made of teachers? But now that you brought it up, I will make one. There are good teachers and bad teachers at Unified. My cousin is a teacher and, I strongly suspect, a very good one. I am not anti-teacher anon despite your apparent desire to paint me as such. The problem with our education system is structural in nature. It is a socialist system. And be assured, I don't use the word socialist lightly here. Look up the word in the dictionary if you don't believe me. Anyway, socialism tends to sap the value out of people. Teachers and students alike will be harmed by the institution. So broadly speaking, I suspect that teachers at Unified are probably dispirited etc... and it is negatively impacting their ability to perform at their best. I wish it weren't so.

  5. anon, regarding substitute teaching, no thank you. I had thought about running for school board but have since concluded that meaningful internal reforms are not possible. As such, it would be a waste of time. The key to educational improvements is to encourage innovation in education. The key to innovation is competition. Only intervention from the outside will make that happen. This is why I am an outspoken advocate for vouchers but not a school board candidate.

  6. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Are you a hard core liberatarian, or only on education?

  7. Anonymous9:37 PM

    He is hard core libertarian.

    Libertarians have easy answers for everything - sort of the fundamentalism of political thought.

    Ah, the evil 'S' word is dragged out.

    Watch the story, on American Masters, of a TRUE patriotic American, Pete Seeger.

  8. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Not parents, but your social environment, which breaks down to class structure, and thus an onerous class system which keeps the poor poor and margenalized.
