Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Anonymous Game

Now is your chance to predict how "anonymous" will disagree with the following pronouncement: I, Denis Navratil, unequivocally oppose the rape and murder of children.

I will start the game.

From anon: "Typical right wing ideological statement. Check out the Center for Missing and Abused Children and you will see how pervasive this problem is. My family has been in business for fifty years."

Your turn.


  1. From anon (spelling intentional): "When I woke up this morning, I knew exactly what polemic, rasist, rhetoric Denis would right. He's just saying that he unequivocally opposes the rape and murder of children, because then someone will agree with his idiotic opinions. He never sees the error of free markets, only those of pedophiles and child murderers. Can you even indentify a child raper or murderer in Racine? You need to look at the real issues and you all know it!

    Suck on this Denis
    /Users/tom/Desktop/stuff saved to post on Denis' blog.

    uh this one...

    uh... (some help here Anonymous?)

    Click here to reveal the real truth about Denis N's blog.

    Put that link on your shopping bags, so everyone will boycott your money laundering skeem for a business. I'm done wasting my time hear at this right-wing crying club. Go out and rape and murder some kids, because it is such a "right" thing to do. Also Denis, please consider removing this entire topic as it is obviously meant in a racist manner. You must be white. I have to post anonymously because it is too dangerous to use an account on this blog.

    What scares you?
    What are you afraid of?

    This is the dark side of free markets... capitalizing on the broken backs of illegal immigrants.

    Harry Paratestes

  2. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Why does Denis suppose that some people disagree with him for personal reasons and no matter what he says, they will disagree.

    But consider that they actually disagree with him because what he says is stupid. When he chooses to become less stupid they might begin to agree with him no matter what they think about him personally.

    Now that's a game I'd like to play.

    Cheers to Harry. Best anonymous name ever.

  3. Troll alert:

    Anonymous... Internet troll

    Yes, your comments (as usual) are off topic.

    Troll Hunter is on patrol. Be ready for that.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. anon-in-the-ass asks:
    Why does Denis suppose that some people disagree with him for personal reasons and no matter what he says, they will disagree.

    And then answers that very question with the next paragragh:
    But consider that they actually disagree with him because what he says is stupid. When he chooses to become less stupid they might begin to agree with him no matter what they think about him personally.

    May I suggest that all the comments from

    I hope I win.
    10:41 AM

    up to (and including) this one be deleted, as they are not legitimate game entries. Thank you.

  6. anon blue. You are winning the contest. However, we have not yet received a serious entry from the original one and only anon. So don't celebrate just yet.

  7. Is very true no one wins the race against racism. So I say this as a neutral party. I nubian, not black it does not give an accurate discription of me. Next it is not about race for a people it is about cultural identity and freedom not to perm our hair and feel beautiful. The freedom to educated our children with out interference. We are human, so we are the same in our human needs. Because of the brutal killings and the great theft of life, family, land, and our-story bka as history, we need to be amongst each other and heal ourselves. My family line is cut at a certain point, I don't see any one acknowledge all the pain from the blood shed that took and still takes place to this day. It's time for us nubian people of color to learn our own language, songs, and dance with out a world of hate and fear. If this offend you, then ask yourself why?

  8. Anonymous5:47 AM

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