Friday, March 14, 2008

Thoughts on Black and White

I regularly disagree with black people with respect to politics. The reason for the disagreement is because black people are nearly all liberals. And I am largely in agreement with black conservatives. Thus the issue is politics, not skin color.

I find racism to be an ugly mindset to say the least. And I suspect that this problem is more prevelant in the black community than among white people. Why? Because there is a much higher degree of racial solidarity among blacks than among whites. Blacks are nearly all liberal and are very likely to shun the conservatives among them. Have you seen the rantings of Barack Obama's minister? "We (Americans, presumably white Americans) believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God" he said among many other blatantly racist statements. Of course there are racists among whites, but are they getting anything approaching widespread support among whites? No, they are not. But if you look at clips of Minister Wright's sermons that are now all over the internet and the television, you will see an audience rejoicing in his hateful speech.

But let me be quite clear here. The answer to black racism is not white racism. And this I want Discriminator (recent poster on race who favors white solidarity) and others to understand.

I reject the idea of racial solidarity among blacks and I reject the idea of racial solidarity among whites. Both are harmful ideologies. Hate will get you nowhere.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Black people have been abused for several hundred years since they were bought and sold in the United States.

    They are 'leberal because 'white' establishment continually refuses to enforce fairness for all colors of people.

    I am white, and in solidarity with blacks regarding how they have been exploited and treated for these last hundreds of years...with nothing much changing.

  2. You certainly aren't helping "the cause" with your ignorance of historical timelines, anonymous.

    So explain your comments then. Here a few simple questions, based specifically on the comments that you posted.

    - Are black people still being bought and sold in this country?

    - What particular "fairness(es)" would you like to see, that you are not seeing today?

    - How are Black Americans being "exploited" today?

    Really anonymous, I'm not trying to be facetious or sarcastic. Help me (and probably others) to understand your thinking.

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    These weren't "thoughts", they were pieces of lint pulled from your navel and mistaken for something valuable.

    You and caledonication need to visit the Southern Poverty Law Center's Klanwatch website and see how much organized white hate there is out there.

    "I regularly disagree with black people with respect to politics."

    Now that gem was retrieved from an entirely different orafice. You should put that one on your shopping bags.

    You really are stunningly stupid.

  4. Anonymous4:21 PM

    From the original post:

    "Of course there are racists among whites, but are they getting anything approaching widespread support among whites? No, they are not."

    From anon 3:48:

    "You and caledonication need to visit the Southern Poverty Law Center's Klanwatch website and see how much organized white hate there is out there."

    Pretty standard rhetorical obfuscation. Denis never said there wasn't white racism, only that he didn't agree, but here is the victimology and hey look - gotcha - when all you have is yourself by your own ass.

    Can you imagine that a comment like "I regularly disagree with black people with respect to politics" might have come from an interaction much like the anon 3:48comment?

    Anon calling another person stupid just puts the icing on yet another intellectual cupcake.

  5. And once again classic anonymous.

    Refusing to answer legitimate questions (also referred to as having a "discussion"), but we all know you aren't here for that, anyway.

    Calling people names, when you can't explain your nonsense comments. The lint from Caledonication's navel is far more intelligent than anything you have ever come up with. You prove this every time you post (I mean leave your fly-by bird droppings).

    For example, why should they "visit the Southern Poverty Law Center's website"? Which by the way is not exclusive to a "Klanwatch". Because this is representative of white people in general? If you believe that then it would certainly explain your confusion and hatred.

    You should read the rest of the website before making your stunningly stupid comments.

    Straight off your Southern Poverty Law Center website...

    Active U.S. Hate Groups

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    Little Roc
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    Los Angeles
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    San Diego
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    Wilmington · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    District of Columbia
    · Black Lawyers for Justice · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist

    Fort Lauderdale · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    Jacksonville · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist
    Miami · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nuwaubians Worldwide · Black Separatist
    · United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors/All Eyes on Egipt · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist
    · United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors/All Eyes on Egipt · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors/All Eyes on Egipt · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    Louisville · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    Baton Rouge
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    New Orleans
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    Kansas City
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    St. Louis
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    Las Vegas
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    New Jersey
    New Brunswick
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist

    New York
    · United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors
    /All Eyes on Egipt · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    North Carolina
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    South Carolina
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist
    Fort Worth
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · New Black Panther Party · Black Separatist
    San Antonio
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist
    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    · Nation of Islam · Black Separatist

    Imagine that... And all this time I thought black people were incapable of being racist.

    Although I know without a shadow of a doubt that you won't answer this question, I'll pose it anyway. How do you think the numbers compare when you add up the members of the KKK and the members of the Nation of Islam? Now tell me who it appears are more predominately racists? Then take those numbers and figure out the percentage of the white population which are members of the KKK (feel free to include every other active white separatist group) and the percentage of the black population which are members of the Nation of Islam. Now tell me who it appears are more predominately racists?

    I think a better use of those shopping bags would be to put one over your head and duct tape it around your neck.

  6. anon 3:48, even when I openly reject racism you are able to disagree with me. I fully understand your decision to remain anonymous.

  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Denis, just once try a post without one-sided qualifiers.



  8. I would disagree that "hate will get you nowhere", first i will clarify that i am in no way condoning hate of any kind towards anyone, i am merely stating, what seem to me, as factual observations regarding hate.

    Hate gets people to many places, hate gets employees terminated, it gets books published and sold, and subsequently makes people rich, it starts wars, it gets politicians elected, hate creates jobs, it can be the basis of policy, it can be the basis of business contract awards, it gets border fences and unscalable brick walls built, so hate does get people places and it can have a powerful impact on peoples lives. Hate has been, and will continue to be, as permeated in our culture as the usefulness of the sun.

    Caledon, regarding your question, "are blacks still being bought and sold in this country?" the answer is definitely, yes. Human trafficking, is an industry that is very much alive that effects many races and ethnicities.

    The fact of the matter is that racists come in all shapes and colors, and hate speech, no matter who delivers it, or what color that messenger is, should be condemned. If you reject racial solidarity, and the notion of ethnic representation, you should reject all of it, not some of it.

  9. CT, thank you for responding for anonymous, but really, I would like to hear from anonyous. Secondly, I'm sure your comments sound very eloquent to your peers. However, my question was specifically asking about blacks being bought and sold as slaves in this country, not the illegal, underground, cross-racial, world-wide, human trafficking that you are referring to. As far as the rest of your comments... are you sure you won't consider changing your name to UNconscious thought?

  10. UNconscious thought? Very original. But not as original as your newly created vocabulary. caledon, I understand the need for you to create your own words like "cross racial", as a means for you to validate your own nonsensical thought process.
    Or is that cross sensical?...

    I'm curious as to why you exempt blacks from being victims of this "cross racial", world wide, illegal, underground human trafficking trade? Are you saying blacks are not involved in human trafficking?

    Please enlighten us about the difference between these cross racial people and black people you speak about..

  11. UNconscious thought? Very original.

    Who was trying to be original? It was just one of a long line of jabs at your apparently unconscious thought process. You want original? Let’s try some!
    Cyber Tool
    Cross Talk
    Conflicting Thought
    Cognitive Therapy
    Chaotic Thought
    Charitable Transient
    Cyber Toilet

    But not as original as your newly created vocabulary. caledon, I understand the need for you to create your own words like "cross racial", as a means for you to validate your own nonsensical thought process. Or is that cross sensical?...

    CT, do you see "cross racial" as a single word? Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph… Is that really the best you can do? I would highly encourage you to abstain from consuming alcohol before you comment. It isn't helping your reputation, only justifying the quips regarding your unconscious thought. You probably should abstain from anything that may deprive you of any more brain cells. You are obviously running a deficit at this stage. In fact, your brain seems to be a black hole that wants to suck the intelligence from anyone unfortunate to be around you.

    I'm curious as to why you exempt blacks from being victims of this "cross racial", world wide, illegal, underground human trafficking trade? Are you saying blacks are not involved in human trafficking?

    Even with my expanded vocabulary, I find it very difficult to produce a word which can adequately describe all the wonderful characteristics you consistently display. Are you really so completely dense that even you can’t see the difference between what you are saying and the rest of this thread is talking about?

    Please enlighten us about the difference between these cross racial people and black people you speak about..

    CT, attempting to enlighten you would be akin to gold plating a Clay Target. Get it? Another original.


  12. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Right now in my neighborhood I see a lot more racism between blacks vs Hispanics that I thought possible.
    truly frighting to see gangs of young Black kids looking for Hispanics to beat up.
    As I have my own ideas why this is happening a shame to see.

  13. As I have my own ideas why this is happening a shame to see.

    I'd be interested to hear why you think this is happening. Also, in contrast to what Denis was talking about (politics versus racism), would you say that this has more to do with racism versus politics? Perhaps something else entirely?

  14. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Be happy too do so.
    Just my thoughts based on talking to my neighbors and first hand observation.

    Some Blacks see Hispanics as giving in to the powers that be I.G Hispanics will work more often then simply get a check and will work together as a family to get ahead.
    Case in point a few of my Hispanic neighbors are working more then one job so another member can go to Gateway for Job or ESL training. When that member get out of school they will do the same so another kin can get into school.
    Hispanics will take better care of there homes (even if it's a rental) giving them better better rents

    Some Blacks are more Xenophobic and see Hispanics speaking Spanish as being outsiders.
    The excuse that it's all the White man's fault does not play well with Hispanics who might expenice Racism but work to overcome it vs as an excuse to fail
    Hispanic gangs like MS 13 are more able to take and hold areas for drug sales forcing The G.D. to look for other areas.

    A new one is that Hispanics are seen as backing HRC and that is not allowed.

  15. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Any slaves in your family history Denis?

    Did not think so.

  16. Anonymous3:41 PM

    So hate will get folks nowhere? Do you hate Hitler - the Nazi's? What about Bin Ladin? Child killers? Would you hate a man if he killed your wife and children? Are you really that perverted & sick mentally? Perhaps you are lying about hate to say what is popular. Hate does not motivate folks and arouse them to action against a threat? If we as a people should not have solidarity like every other racial group does then it must also be wrong for solidarity of any sort period. No national or religious solidarity also right? Hate springs from and only exists in connection with love. We naturally hate those and that which is a threat to whom or what we love. Without hate one is defenseless. Those that care about nothing and nobody - not even themselves - can't muster any hate. For normal healthy people their hatred is as strong as the love it springs from. Hatred is natural and healthy and protective. I do hate you and folks like you and if I had my way you would be hung. Are you sure that if you met me you would not return hate for hate.

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