Sunday, January 04, 2009

Fair and Balanced JT

Not surprisingly, the Journal Times covered the publicity seeking Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice's protest of Isreal's offensive against the rocket launchers in Gaza.

Very surprisingly, they also wrote an article entitled "There's no reason for Isreal to commit national suicide" which was essentially a response from members of a local Jewish congregation.

Congratulations JT for being fair and balanced. And if you need a person on staff that can consistently articulate the position of the other side, well, you know where to find me.


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Just want to spell Israel correctly because for some reason, it makes me cringe to see signs that bear anti- Israel sentiment, being held by people who can't manage to get the country spelled right. Perhaps it would do those protesters well to read a little history instead of parroting what they hear from "news" sources or propagandists.

  2. Anonymous1:47 PM


    See what upsets the left on this issue is that Israel will not lay down and die.
    Maybe Peace Hands is the answer!
    Yes Hamas shoots rockets and Israel will use Peace Hand!

  3. Oops, sorry about the spelling error.

  4. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Hate Palestinians - Love Israelis...

  5. Hate Evil - Love Israelis
