Saturday, January 03, 2009

Identify the Course Offerings

I am thinking about taking a course at Parkside. The following are some of the course I am considering. Try to identify the bogus course offerings.

1)Understanding White Privilege
2)Feminism in Philosophy
3)Dead White Male Appreciation
4)Capitalism and Economic Growth
5)LGBT Studies
6)Lesbian Literature
7)History of Conservative Thought
8)Literature Classics
9)Problems in Industrial Society
10)Problems in Socialist Society


  1. OK - here are my guesses: Capitalism and economic growth; History of Conservative thought; Literature Classics and Problems in Socialist Society.

  2. And dead white male appreciation. You missed the easy one Calunp.

  3. Yeah, problem was it was TOO easy. Since Parkside (academia as a whole) seems to have gone off the deep end with absurdity, this one seemed absurd enough to be possible - should have known better ;^)

  4. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I suspect that "Understanding White Privilege" can only be taught by a white male if he has a beard, pony tail, wire rimmed glasses and takes showers once a week.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    What is the correct answer to the question?

  6. anon 9:29, Calunp was correct except she missed the easy one, Dead White Male Aprreciation.

  7. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Whatever the elitist Denis thinks they are...
