Thursday, April 02, 2009

Campaign Fun

I love local politics and I support Jody Harding for Mayor of Racine. Yesterday I ventured out for the first time, knocking on doors for Jody. I didn't even do this when I ran for Racine County Executive a few years back. So I was a bit apprehensive.

Some observations. The people were very nice, mostly. One lady admitted that she was confused as there were so many choices. I set out to help her. I asked what part of the political spectrum she was on. She said that she was a public school teacher and therefore liberal. I noted that she had many options, ten in fact, and that JH was probably not for her. I suggested John Dickert.

I met a retired city employee who seemed to enjoy talking. He indicated that it made little sense financially to continue working for the city. I suspect that he will get another job elsewhere and really rake it in for a while, enjoying a salary and a pension.

Not everyone was nice. One man congratulated me, sarcastically, when I introduced myself and indicated my support for Jody. He wouldn't take the informational flyer but he did take the time to tell me that I had interrupted a dinner, that he had guests, and that he was voting for Pete Karas. Another member of the tolerant left.


  1. "She said that she was a public school teacher and therefore liberal."

    I've seen allot of this my-mind-is-made-up-because-of-my-affiliations stuff.

    I don't have a problem with affiliations. BUT i do have a problem with BLIND unwavering closed-minded afiliations that seem to prohibit thinking for yourself. That irks me just a bit.

    I wish folks like that would snap out of it, but I bet the peer pressure would be too unbearable for them.

  2. Who knows if she is a teacher because she's liberal or a liberal because she's a teacher. I suspect that they are mutually reinforcing. I think you are right on with the peer pressure thing. I have spoken to some teachers who started to shift right and they end up losing some friends because of it.

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Denis, I can't believe you aren't making more of the Kim Plache voter fraud issue and her moving into the city limits just in the nick of time to qualify as a candidate for mayor. You are usually more attentive to issues such as these.

  4. Kim Plache is not running for Mayor she is running for Turner's seat.

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Colt, the postcard I got in the mail from her had a picture that looked like a lady giving her a hand signal to get off her property. It also gives a resume of her career which looks like she hasn't been in Racine since she graduated High School in 1979. And finally, her return address is a post office box number. Denis...are you going to step up to this one ?

  6. Anon I am not sure what you are looking for from me. I suspect that KP will not actually be moving to Racine unless she wins the election but it is only a suspicion. I guess I am not as worked up about it as you are. As a voter I would take that into consideration but probably wouldn't care all that much largely because I tend to think of Racine as an area somewhat larger than the actual borders of Racine. I have also heard about some voting irregularity but it doesn't sound like a huge scandal to me. Perhaps I should know more about that but I don't. You are free to use this space to educate me and any readers if you like.

  7. Urban Pioneer8:28 AM

    I have followed the over-hyped stuff about Kim Plache. Frankly it shouldn't matter much whether she lives in the City until she is elected. The fat is she and her husband and family do a lot "living" in Racine, dining shopping etc. I don't plan to vote for Kim as she doesn't support my issues...but if she was the champion of my ideology I would support her. As of Now I am on board with Jody Harding. Because I believe she's the best candidate to represent me, my budget, my family, my community, and most importantly my Business.
    Good luck to Jody..And if Kim decides to run against Turner for my district, I'll listen to her and any other competitors..I think the one great thing about this Mayoral election is that it has exposed Turner as an incompetent legislator. Maybe we can get some new even more conservative voice to represent his seat in the Assembly. Hey Jaime Charon..I think you'd be awesome!!!! Have you talked to this guy...I really like him on my issues..I urge you all to get to know this newcomer..great Resume, nice guy, family, etc. Jody for mayor..Jaime for Assembly!! Stella Young and John Lieber for School board!

  8. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Denis, Kim's fraudulent vote at the last election is a big deal. If a complaint were filed with the DA's office, she would be charged with a felony of voter fraud. If I were a resident inside Racine's city limits, I would have done it already. I feel like good people sitting back doing nothing is all she needs to get away with it. The carpetbagger issue, yeah she will squeak in and qualify, but this other issue would finish her political career if someone runs with it.

  9. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Hey Dennis, forget KP, isn't your residence outside of city limits? Does this mean you are engaged in campaign fraud, election tampering, etc? Oh the horror.

  10. Anonymous5:29 AM

    When the most current two threads increased comments by one in the last day I KNEW someone stopped by to drop off a couple of turds -
