Thursday, April 02, 2009

Media Lovefest for Obama

I caught a bit of Larry King and Chris Matthews last night as they and their guests discussed the Obama trip to London. All of them couldn't stop themselves from gushing at how beautiful Michelle Obama was, how brilliant were her fashion choices, how heartwarming it was to see a couple so obviously in love etc... and Chris Matthews couldn't quite catch himself in time... yes, he was starting to get that tingling sensation running up his leg again.

I wanted to puke. These people should be embarrassed to present this lovefest as news. And MO is not that good looking. BO is handsome, but MO, not so much. It would be fascinating to show and contrast the TV coverage of BO's first European trip with GW's first trip. Did they gush about how much the Bushes love one another, the attractiveness of Laura, her brilliant fashion decisions etc? Somehow I doubt it, but their must be some explanation other than media bias.


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I disagree with the BO being "handsome" position, and would submit that I think he looks like a pr*** with ears. As for MO, well, she gets a few extra points on the ravishing beauty scale - affirmative action after all.

  2. Urban Pioneer9:14 AM

    Actually did you see who the Teleprompter was wearing???? Word is it was Thakoon, or Vera Wang, and the Podium was wearing a Prada Skirt!!

  3. Urban Pioneer9:20 AM

    And I can't even watch Chris Matthews's like Gay porn when he talks about Obama!! And seeing him and Olberman on the same set has already resulted in numerous TV crew personel being hospitalized from Slipping and falling on the Set, due to to the drooling saliva puddles that these 2 leave in the "wake". I hear it's like a Pro Basketball game with the mops and towels!!
    Well i better get back to work..Just checked my E-mail and the president of the US hasn't fired me yet!!!

    Hey BTW VOTE for JODY!!! I guaranty the Left wing media will NEVER fawn all over her! Yes Pete and Dustin that means you!!

  4. I guess that counts as one "saved" job then, eh UP?

  5. Urban Pioneer8:29 AM

    Just heard the news this morning and Michele was wearing Thakoon...I kid u not!!!

  6. Urban Pioneer8:31 AM

    Yes it does count as a saved job...And I didn't get fired today either is that 2 saved jobs now?? U could get to 5 million pretty fast..

  7. Anonymous9:33 AM

    They will be saving the economy, one lawyer at a time. Has anyone heard her say "me and the President" yet?

  8. Anonymous6:59 PM

    You guys should just watch Fox where they'll tell you what you want to hear - those great Americans Beck and Hannity to offset Mathews and Oberman. BTW, none of these folks are journalists, all are opinionated commentators. You'll have to watch Jim Lehrer and C-Span if its journalism you crave.

  9. Anon 6:59...So If I am aware of a bit of news and I share doesn't happen or isn't true because I'm not a a journalist?? For the last 35 years Less and less balance in news has been reported because the "Journalist's" have decided what is and isn't news. People like Hannity, Beck, Olberman Rush and Matthews have brought other sides to into the light. at least we can be more informed and make our own assessments of the news.
    Matt Drudge isn't a journalists but has broken dozens of "stories" over the past nearly 20 years. Bloggers right left and center have done so as well.

    I went to Home Depot the other day..I bought the items i needed and paid for them at the self check-out. I'm not a "checker", but I still managed to get the product I needed.

    I have heard people attempt to dismiss Rush because he's "an entertainer", and then those same people will get their "news" from Jhn Stewart and Steve Colbert and Jay Leno, and SNL. Or God forbid..Whoopie Goldberg and Barbra streisand and a dose of Rosie O'Donnell.

  10. Anonymous10:11 PM

    American Idol is the same.

    Having George Bush as President for 8 years was an embarrassment.
