Monday, November 09, 2009

Green Idea #1

Racine has a couple of meter maids/parking enforcement personnel that drive around all day in a van. Now perhaps there is some reason to have a van but it is not apparent to me. What is apparent is that they really do not need a performance vehicle of any sort so perhaps it could save money, and perhaps the world, if they switched over to a smaller car or one of those modified golf carts that are starting to crop up around the country. But only if it saves taxpayer money, of course.


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Dude, you are hired.

  2. Anonymous5:13 AM

    How 'bout a three wheel bike with a canvas wind shield around it.
    Save fossil fuel and reduce the waistline. That hispanic female meter maid could use a little trimming.

  3. Why do they need a vehicle at all? What happened to the good old days when these people used their feet for transportation?

  4. Denis, you are not even on the committee and you are all over it! I told you you would be good. You are on to something here. We need a small fleet of NEV's that are re-charged with a small solar charging station. They could be used by parking checkers, UNIT inspectors, health inspectors, etc as they travel about the city. The city could save money by not paying for fuel for public cars or mileage reimbursement for the use of private cars. Sounds like something we might even be able to find grant money for... We could sell ads on the cars or work a deal with the manufacturer for some publicity.

    CU - while the parking checkers do walk from meter to meter in the areas that have them, we do not expect them to walk between those areas - say from 6th street to West Racine. Any vehicle savings would be quickly eaten up by paying people to walk all over town instead of ticketing scofflaws.

  5. Anonymous5:06 AM

    See that Denis! You already have a real Master's degree - all you need now is an online PhD in ecology from the University of Upper Latvia and the sky's the limit in Racine!

  6. Would you abandon this idea if I said I think its a good one too? Haha.

  7. Judge Mental5:08 PM

    Wow. Denis and Michael agree on something. Sign of the Apocalypse?

  8. By far a good idea. If I may say let's get rid of the meters all together. We save the cost of the parking folks and make Downtown more welcoming.
    Note we should have kept the guy at the Boat Landing help insure that boats are drained and new fishermen in the area could have been give not only a great welcome but news of the day on fishing on the lake.
