Thursday, November 05, 2009

Navratil Volunteers for Environmental Advisory Board

Recently appointed Racine alderman Kelli Stein has suggested the creation of a new Environmental Advisory Board. The Racine Post has the story, read it here.

From the Post: "Stein's idea, modeled on several other cities around the country, is to create a strictly advisory board that would develop ideas to protect and promote the environment in Racine. Interestingly, Stein didn't recommend the board because she's a staunch environmentalist trying to save the world one solar panel at a time. She's doing it because it's an opportunity to lure new businesses to the city."

And, "Stein already had two people express interest in serve on the board, and she hopes others will apply. She even encouraged people who are skeptical of the board to get involved and bring" NOTE, the incomplete sentence is quoted directly from the Racine Post and as such is not my fault.

So they want a skeptic, do they? I am in. I think I have established myself as a leading local enviroskeptic, isn't that right Walden students? I am also a businessman so I know a thing or two about what does and doesn't attract businesses. The only potential problem is that I don't live in Racine. However, since the board has yet to be created, it can be created to include interested parties from outside Racine. Certainly people from outside Racine have ideas about the environment/business development, so it would serve Racine's interests to broaden the potential pool of candidates willing to help. I will call the mayor's office this morning to volunteer to serve the board as the non-resident skeptic.

My concern is that they may not really want a skeptic on the board. But then, as a skeptic, of course I would think that. Perhaps I am overqualified.


  1. I called the mayor's office and was told that I need to bring in a resume. I will get on that. I welcome suggestions that might help me get the appointment.

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    City employees do not have to live in the City of Racine. It would seem logical that ADVISORY COMMITTEE members should have the same freedom.

  3. Anonymous8:39 AM

    You do own a business and provide jobs in the City, that qualifies you.

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    If you really want to get the job though you might want to get an Al Gore tatoo.

  5. Wayne C9:44 AM

    Gee Maybe I should get on that. I only help bring in 50 Million in Film Investment( Film Wisconsin) no Greener business out there. My work in Urban Farming proves that the City of Racine IS the obstacle to Green jobs.

    That aside I think Kelli heart is in the right place however IMHO I do not trust the powers that be in City Hall not to muck this up.

  6. I want to be on the Board too! Imagine the (Resume'),qualifications are going to ensure a left-leaning bunch of socialists. C'mon Mr. Mayor. This is ridiculous!

  7. Last night I went out for a beer and I happened upon a slew of local politicians, including Alderman Stein and Mayor Dickert. I was assured by one alderman that I would get a fair shake in my quest for the EAB. The one point made by Mayor Dickert that I found interesting was that the purpose of the EAB was to save money for the city. That is all well and good in my view. I would only add that there are other ways to save money besides "green" innovations and as such perhaps they should consider broadening the scope of the commission and call it the Economic Advisory Board.

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    You and the mayor have been buddies since you were kids. You just like to play tough guy and rough him up whenever you can. I think you are trying to compensate for something.

  9. Don't stop there anon. For what am I trying to compensate?

  10. Anonymous6:31 AM

    You seem to have a lot more to add to the EAB than simply being the skeptic.
    Why not campaign on being something a little more positive.
    It is easy to find fault and ridicule. You have the potential to make the EAB mean something, and be a group that Racine can be really proud of.
    You can subtly lead to toward economic impact, way beyond it's green direction.

  11. Thanks anon, we will see.
