Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Racist Left

The voter ID law is considered racist by the unhinged, not because voting requirements differ by race, but because the law will have a disparate impact on minorities, supposedly.

Very well, but if a greater negative impact on minorities is the standard by which a policy is deemed to be racist, then the public school system and minimum wage laws are also racist as they result in lower test scores, graduation rates, and lower employment rates among minorities.

Indeed the entire liberal progressive agenda has been nothing but a disaster for minorities, and is therefore racist, by the standard created by liberals.


  1. GearHead6:04 AM

    What, now you are expecting the unhinged to be logical?

  2. Not really, but it can be fun to expose the absurdity of their ideas.

  3. Denis: I almost read your whole post before realizing that the answer to your nonsense of course, is that race isn't the primary issue.

    The primary issue is placing barriers that fall disproportionately on traditional Democratic voters. It's not that your ideological masters care particularly what race they are. What they care about and are working to prevent are Democratic votes. Because they are straight up traitors to democracy.

    I admit, I haven't had a chance to look back yet and see if you've provided the fraud documentation necessary to justify the voter supression law you love so well. But I know the quality of what I'll find if there's anything there at all.

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  5. Bull Sean. The NAAColoredPeople doesn't get involved, by which I mean call people racist, unless in their view race is the main issue.

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  7. Anonymous10:41 AM

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  8. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Hey Denis,
    I think I found the name of the small business that Kevin's friend, Chris owns. I would have a tough time calling from work today, but if I gave you the name/ number, would you be able to give him a buzz and see if they could come on Saturday? Also, even if he can't come, I am sure that he has the contact info for the rest of that group. Let me know what you think, or feel free to give me a call. Also, was looking at the prices for RCC, and they actually could be similar to George's, depending on what we wanted to do... and also remembered that they have the game room downstairs. Just thoughts. Totally flexible. Just hope we can get people to come :)

  9. You can call or text me between 10 and 2 today. I will be checking with Susanne at 10 am. If you have a minute or two, call me. Remember, I will be "at a tennis tournament" on the day in question. I suspect that it will be easier to get to Georges without suspicion, but I could be wrong about that. You can text me Chrises # after 10 am and I will call him.

  10. FYI, D is concerned about Sat night Trolloween. Maybe that could be used to get out early for a drink and avoid some of the busier places. Also, she said something about possibly helping Kimmy that night if she is busy and I am "out of town."

  11. Also, getting lots of RSVP's - yeses that is.

  12. Anonymous9:32 AM

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  14. Anonymous11:34 AM

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