Friday, January 27, 2012

What Voter Suppression?


So says the Racine Mirror, a local free paper. This "aggressive attack" includes a "voter suppression measure," that is, a voter ID requirement. If you care to join the battle for voter rights or would like assistance overcoming the "aggressive attack" on your rights, you may call the Racine Branch of the NAACP.

Luckily, I have not found the recent ID requirement quite so sinister. I recently took a trip to the DMV to assist a lovely lady in exchanging her drivers license for a state ID. The entire process took about a half an hour and was free. Granted, the "whites only" line at the DMV was most helpful. Thanks Governor Walker!


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Kudos to you for helping someone obtain the proper ID. Why don't left wing rags like the Racine Mirror give people enough credit as to be able to obtain an ID?

    Perhaps they should try and help instead of demagoge .

  2. Thank you Fred. The whole notion that a ID requirement is an assault on black people is really quite insulting to black people. I don't consider black people to be incompetents unable to perform the basic responsibilities needed to participate in society. Those that do, like the NAACP, deserve to be mocked.

  3. I should add that the NAACP will assist those needing help in obtaining an ID.

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Hell, it is easier for me to steal my children's identity and max out credit cards than it will be to vote in Wisconsin!

  5. GearHead9:22 AM

    If the NAACP had any integrity they would step up and call out the minority community for rolling over and squishing their babies to death. That is a systmic problem that doesn't seem to happen anywhere else. Or for the everyone-loses culture of fatherless children. Dropping out. Glorifying drugs and the criminal lifestyle. Instead they take on problems that don't exist, like the easy path towards a free state-issued ID. Is their mission so well satisfied they have the luxury of making mountains out of molehills? I think not!

  6. Wow Gearheaded, so those problems you listed are related to race, eh? Funny I thouhgt they were more related to poverty. I see poor people, you see race, nice.

    Since there is no voter frad to speak of there is no need for this requirement. But since it is SO very important to Republicons it must be about something else and that something else is DEFINITELY voter suppression, as I've demonstrated here before irrespective of Denis' little trip to the DMV.

    If it's so simple Denis, why did the lovely lady need your assistance?

  7. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Do I need an ID to cash my government check?

  8. Sean, the lovely lady needed my assistance because she has chosen not to drive anymore.

  9. If you are able to go to all of these disadvantaged people and get recall signatures from them, surely you can give these disadvantaged people a ride to the appropriate voter ID place and get them their voter ID. Problem solved!

  10. GearHead12:05 PM

    Nice job playing the race card Sean. This is why it is impossible to have a discussion. Since the post was about the NAACP, and they claim to stand up for the advancement of colored people (their words), then it is incumbant on them to honestly deal with the black culture. They won't, because if they ever fix the real problems, they run themselves out of the race-hustling business. Too much power and government candy is at stake.

    I see poor people all the time. Most of them are hard working folks who DO graduate from high school, take responsiblity for their kids, avoid dope and the criminality that goes with it. Your prejudice is shocking. It's the culture, stupid.

  11. The reason Sean and the Dems are because not only do they see "Black People"..but they also see Dead People...and everyone knows Dead people vote Democrat. But when dead people show up to vote with out an ID, (Because of the inconvenience of being underground or cremated), It's difficult to rig elections. IT's because Scott WALKER and the GOP are anti-decedent!! They are Decedenists! I think that is a new word..but it must be true. This year 1-2 percent of the electorate will be almost absent for the polls, because of these new laws putting the onus upon voters to be honest about who they are. The biggest impact of this problem will be the Illinois bus drivers that won't be hired to shuttle Illinisians into our state on election day.

  12. Denis wasn't it a little risky allowing this friend of yours to go nearly 30 minutes of NOT being eligible to vote? This year Sean and his buddies have made sure that we need to be on our guard to vote just about EVERY single Tuesday!! If you know anyone in this precarious situation make sure they are eligible every Tuesday!!

  13. Independent6:20 PM

    Integrity of the voting system takes precedence over the ease of voting

  14. Well Denis, lots people don't drive, so they all have to find someone like you who has the time and means to take them out to Sturtevant so thay can excercise they're right to vote? Suppose your friend lived in Waterford. Would you have offered to go get her and bring her to Sturtevant, or perhaps Elkhorn? Has your friend ever voted fraudulently. Why should she have to go through this in the first place?

    Fortunatetly for her, since she had a drivers license already, she didn't need to get a copy of her birth certificate as well.

    Also, what time of day did you go to the DMV? Was it during the day when most people are at work and can't get there?

    But finally, and this is for Brownie too with his dwad people voting nonsense. This law is not necessary as there is vanishingly small amounts of voter fraud, dispite the anecdotal BS inculcating your brains over the AM air waves.

    Your AG, Van Hollen conducted an investigation and found in the entire state of Wisconsin 3 fraudulent votes over a period of years that would have been prevented by the Voter Suppression law. Maybe you folks can do better than JB, but if you believe this onerous law is justified, you should be able to document the problem it is intended to stop.

    You CANNOT! Go ahead and try, I await your findings. But if you can't document the problem at a sufficent level to justify the law as a proportional response then the law is unnecessary and a waste of at least $5 million.

  15. Well Sean, I am of the view that a voter ought to have sufficient proof of identity to protect the integrity of the vote. That it takes some effort to provide said proof is a reasonable expectation for someone who wants to participate in the vote. This effort can be greater for some, like the elderly, people without cars, people with jobs, liberals, etc... such that some may need a bit of assistance like I provided. As you know, great efforts are routinely made by both parties to secure votes. As such, there are people willing to help, for free, those who need to obtain the free ID.

    You Sean seem to believe that nobody on earth would ever entertain the idea of cheating in an election, even Republicans, who you otherwise regard with unconcealed contempt. What gives Sean? How is it that you don't suspect Republicans of cheating in elections when in every other regard you regard them as wicked, power hungry, greedy bastards willing to screw over anyone for profit and power?

  16. Denis, please provide some documentation that a problem exists with the integrity of the vote in Wisconsin to support your "view".

  17. Here ya go sean, enjoy!

    Denis & Gearhead (& anyone else), we managed to escape the northwoods without any "Imperial Entangements" over the weekend and are thirsty/free for beer and a summit anytime this week. Just name the time and location.

  18. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I read the Racine Mirror today. Big screaming headline about votes being suppressed. Missing, not one word inside the paper about that issue. Not one supporting fact to back up that ranting, not one sob story.

    No one wants legal votes suppressed, only the left wants illegal votes easier to cast.

    Cranley everyone knows you are nuts but to claim there is no fraud is just ridiculous.

  19. Nemo, I can't this week, next week no problem. By the way, I tried to e-mail you but didn't get a response.

  20. Got your email Denis. Don't know why my reply never made it back to you (I can't make it last Thursday, sorry). Next Tuesday?

  21. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Hey can I come too?

  22. Denis, I can be there next Tuesday but GearHead can't. Wednesday (February 8th)?

    Anon, I don't see why not.

  23. yes, Wed is good, better in fact. Where and what time? Denis

  24. Wed is perfect. Where and what time?

  25. yes, Wed is good, better in fact. Where and what time? Denis

  26. Wednesday (February 8th) it is then! What's the name of that little bar we met at last time? The one with the Guinness on tap? Let's go there!

  27. Looked back in the older sections of Free Racine. It's called the Ivanhoe in downtown Racine. See you there on Wednesday?

  28. Nemo, just linking crap and saying "here ya go" don't mean squat. What is it about the "information" you've presented that means anything. Construct a logical argument with citations if you're able.

    Fred, your pronouncements mean nothing. I don't claim there is "no fraud". I ask you to document fraud that threatens electoral integrity to justify the onerous law you love.


    It must really suck when you're confronted with real information instead of the GOPropaganda that radiates your brain from the wingnut AM radio.

  29. Denis: "Sean, the lovely lady needed my assistance because she has chosen not to drive anymore."

    Why should any lovely lady need anyone's assistance to excercise her RIGHT to vote?

    You guys are totally on your heels on this afront to American democracy!

  30. BTW Fred, I'd love to come over and kick A$$ on you and your cohort over at unreal debate, but you site is Soooooooooo damn slow it's just not worth the navigation time required. Ain't you lucky?

  31. sean, did you read the link? Did you see the part where the Milwaukee Police Department issued a 67-page report on the 2004 election that concluded there was an "illegal organized attempt to influence the outcome" of a state election? There ya go. Congratulations sean on winning the silver again. Heh.

  32. Ha! Gotchya Nemo! That report is BOGUS! I figured you'd be ignorant enough to bring that one up even though it's BS and I shot it down ages ago over at KBR when no doubt you brought it up.

    You got burned this time Nemo! I'm dancin in the endzone you're walkin back to the 30 yard line to collect your shoe!

    It was leaked by a political hack and never officially released by the MPD and the purported findings were refuted by Steven Biskup the Republican federal attorney appointed by GWB. FAIL NEMO!

    By the way, I've actually read the report you've cited and not only is it gobbletygook, it goes on the present an opinion on what political figures should do with regard to election law. So much for the facts ma'am, just the facts. Since when do police investigastive reports regarding alleged crimes offer political policy opinions?

    And this report is typical of the kind of crap you guys are willingly fed with your daily diet of GOPropaganda.

    So you and Denis have STILL FAILED to justify this voter suppression law you love so well. FAILED!

    And no Nemo I don't generally follow your links unless you say something in your post that is discriptive or compelling. You just serving up up links without offering your take on why they're important is a waste of time and blog space.

    I see Denis has once again abdicated defense of his positions to your incapable hands and wisely moved on from an argument he's lost and a position he CANNOT defend! I'm surprised he hasn't taken more pains to push this embarrasing exposure further down the page into the oblivion of older posts.

  33. Nice sources sean. Referring to kay's kaput ramblings as any form of proof is an automatic flag on the play. Can you imagine the call by the ref? He turns on his mic, extends his index finger, points just above his ear and rotates it clockwise while stating,"cranley reasoning, 15 yards, loss of down. Repeat third down."

    So, do you think that the Democrats can hold their current margins in Wisconsin if the estimated 5% fraud vote is lowered a few percent? From your growing hysteria, I'd guess no. At least in a statewide contest. (If you look at the massive fraud in the recall petitions, it seems to be most prevalent in Southeastern Wisconsin. Shouldn't have much of an effect out-state).

    The colossal fraud being uncovered daily in the recall does not help your third down prospects. Crime occurs when motive, proximity and willingness collide. Motive and proximity are a given for all parties. Will is the only question. Ask yourself,"Would a fool willing to commit a felony while essentially performing a legislative act with their name and address on the evidence, be willing to commit the mostly anonymous crime of vote fraud?". Sacked! (Sorry to have gotten a bit of the dirt of truth on that Moocheritaville uniform.) Fourth and 28. Punt, before this one becomes more of a laugher! Heh.

  34. "cranley reasoning, 15 yards, loss of down. Repeat third down."

    Omit the word "Repeat", sorry football fans.
