Thursday, February 09, 2012

Brandt Discovers Right Wing Recall Plot

Former Journal Times Editor and current treasurer of the Committee to Recall Wangaard, Randolph Brandt, has discovered our vast right wing conspiracy to discredit the recall effort. Read all about it here.

Brandt is referring to the felony shenanigans of one Mark Demet. Demet was discovered by one Ken Brown (full disclosure:friend and co-right-wing-conspiritor) to have forged the signature of his own brother, multiple times, as well as his own mother, and some neighbors etc.... on recall Wangaard petitions. Brandt claims never to have heard of Demet but his committee nonetheless accepted his fraudulent petitions. But now it seems Brandt has discovered our plot.

According to the JT article, "Brandt questioned if possibly the man was intentionally trying to discredit the recall process by having relatives come forward and say they didn't sign."

Thank you Mark Demet for taking one for the conservative team! Well done on posing as a loopy liberal for all these years! You almost had me fooled. The cash we have promised can be found in the prearranged location and per your instructions. No doubt this will more than compensate for the hit you will take to your reputation, your record, and your pocketbook. I doubt you will see jail time, but if so we will surely see that you have ample supply of cigarettes. It was a heroic and selfless act Mark that will greatly help our cause. Thank you sincerely from me and from all your friends at the Committee to Discredit the Committee to Recall Wangaard.


  1. Mssr. Brandt is fearing that the high level of fraud, sloth and lack of attention to detail by his team will discredit the recall that they put together. So. Mr. Brandt and his fellow blog posters, and complicate press are try to suggest that Mark Demet did it all as a set-up and then claiming it was somehow suspect that I under-covered this story. Brandt is deliberately Lying, claiming the I was fed the story by one of the Demet family members. That is completely FALSE. My original story is correct as I wrote it. I found Jeff Demets falsified multiple signatures by myself. I then called Jeff, I asked him about the other "Demets" whose names were recorded. Randolph Brandt who ran a very left wing newspaper as it lost 25% of his readers, Mr Brandt's editorials were always filled with left wing lies..he's not going to change his stripes, merely because he's retired. Brandt is trying to manipulate the press to cover his own incompetence. Hey Mark Demet, you cheated for Mr. Brandt, Ms.Falk, and Mr. Lehman..and they are throwing your sorry Ass under the bus..Tell me Mark will a Felony record be worth it? How many of the 70 signatures that you collected Mark against Van were legit. To top it off Mark Demet isn't even a member of a Union!

  2. GearHead8:26 AM

    I can't believe Brandt made that accusation with a straight face. We don't call them the moonbat left for nothing. But then again, fair elections aren't anything his side stands for in the first place. Admitting fraud is an inconveniant truth. In my view, that makes him either compliciant in it, or nothing more than a useful idiot of the union thugs. In either case, it doesn't bode well for the integrety of his recall effort. Makes one wonder what kind of training sessions they had at the ol' union building. This story is just the tip of the iceberg.

  3. Anonymous7:08 AM

    What is not to believe GearHead? You have to understand the liberal mind. To a liberal conservatives are pure evil. Theirs is the only true and worthy position. Anything that makes them look bad therefore must be from a conservative.

    You might think though that is the case of a former newspaper editor they might want to have an ounce of proof before throwing out their insane accusations.

    Brandt is nothing more than another old, unethical, washed up liberal hate monger.

  4. Of course Republicons are trying to discredit the recall process! Last week I heard a spokesperson for a conservative media watchdog group rail on the GAB over and over as a "circus of errors", yet the only thing he could point to was that they delayed posting the scanned petitions for a day after privacy questions were raised. A circus of errors? What a joke!

  5. Just a point of fact, to not have accepted the petitions in question would have been a felony.

  6. GearHead4:04 PM

    Willfully ignoring the legality assumed by the circulator is the primary felony at issue, Sean. What, are you again changing the subject by suggesting homeless guys listing their address as Monument Square have to be accepted? Was acting in good faith to turn over legit info to the GAB? Seems to me you have been outed, again. Pity.

  7. GearHead4:07 PM

    Then again, everyone has family. We'd like to think they all think like us. Not so funny when identities get stolen, and we haven't even gotten to the voting yet. Nice dry run. Still think voter ID is a non-issue?

  8. If the circulator committed a felony he should pay the consequences.

    The mechanisms at work here are not at all like voting and so your attempt to tie this to vote fraud which is virtually non-existance (I ask again, please document otherwise if you can) is a farce. Almost as farcical as your nonsensical comments.
