Thursday, February 09, 2012

Melding of Church and State

Separation of church and state is a cherished principle for progressives except when President Obama wants to dictate to the Catholic Church.


  1. GearHead8:01 AM

    Overheard Obama saying "those founders are making it hard for me to accomplish everything I promised back in 2008."

    Yeah, Mr President, the doggone Constitution is a bitch, isn't it?

  2. Didn't you get the memo GH? Only Bush shredded the constitution.

  3. The rule does not apply to houses of worship, it applies only to institutions like colleges and hospitals that hire people without regard to their religion.

    Contraception, and I might add vascetomies, are basic healthcare. This will result in better health outcomes and lower costs and it doesn't force anyone to do anything against their concsience.

  4. Sean, just because a Catholic institution hires a non-Catholic to help serve Catholics and non-Catholics alike, doesn't mean they should be forced to discard fundamental beliefs about contraception and abortion etc...

  5. They're not and they shouldn't be able to force their beliefs on their employees.

  6. GearHead4:16 PM

    Using your logic, Sean, why shouldn't the government demand every cheesehead-type be entitled to free snow tires, courtesy of their auto insurers? After all, it is basic winter safety.

    Do you see the ridiculous hole you just dug yourself? Of course not.

    Look, I'll make it easier. Why shouldn't unions be forced to make their own marketing appeal to their members, having to stand on their own without having to resort to forced payroll deductions?

  7. I know you hate unions gearheaded, but this is not about unions. sorry, nice try.

    If snow tires were considered sinful by some some religions, but were part of standard insurance benefits for most people, then other people should not be denied the same access to snow tires simply by virtue of who their employers are. This is especially true if the institutions in question take federal money, which is the case for these institutions with regard to contraception and vascetomies. Again, nice try gearheaded with your really ludicrous analogy.
