Sunday, December 23, 2012

Inherent the Wind

Recent Prairie graduate and Columbia University student Maria Zahn has penned a commentary for the Journal Times, which you can read here, calling for "moral action to develop renewable energy sources."

It seems Maria's parents have been denied a request to build a 54 foot wind turbine in their Racine neighborhood. I might be inclined to support Maria's argument if it were based on property rights, but it was not. Rather, it concerned our moral responsibility to fight global warming.

Rather than get bogged down in the pro and con arguments of global warming, Maria opts for the tried and true method of simply claiming to be correct, citing science and Al Gore as proof. Science of course involves replicating experiments rather than inserting assumptions into computer models, but that point tends to escape many proofers.

I am most intrigued by the following quote from Maria's commentary. "Experts in moral reasoning have concluded that our inherent moral sense results in emotional responses that prompt our actions. When will we feel an emotional connection to the global warming cause and feel inspired to take moral action?"

Assuming that the unnamed experts are correct, we will have little choice in the matter. Since our "moral sense" is "inherent," ie a "permanent characteristic," according to Webster's, we will know, inherently, when moral action is required.

I can't speak for other humans similarly equipped with a moral sense, but mine is unconvinced that global warming should prompt us to fight for backyard wind turbines. That said, my moral sense is aroused concerning the threat posed by the warmist, now climate changist, agenda.  The appeals to emotion and the pseudo science underpinning the argument are detrimental to the intellect of young people like Maria, and the movement threatens to destroy our economy and ultimately our freedom. Other than that, it is a great idea.

Sorry for the emotional outburst readers. My inherent moral sense made me do it.


  1. Either you hate young women, or you just swerved into demonstrating how baseless the average liberal argument is. All of them. Nice!

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  4. I have always been somewhat obsessed with solar, wind, ethanol. I just find the idea of trying to be off the grid fascinating.

    My main problem is the cost.

    I wouldn't mind a small wind turbine like that in my neighborhood. In fact, if I could afford it, it might be an interesting hobby.

    I find it funny that she uses Al Gore as a resource though. That guy is a nut-job.

    I wonder what percent of the neighbors are against this? How many of them are hypocrites that voted for Obama?

  5. Me too. I won't take down my antenna tower cuz I keep conning my wife we need a wind turbine on it! She rolls he eyes. Funny how JWax wanted 5 turbines, but the nimbys pushing back limited them to two.

  6. I was just thinking about antenna towers.

    Maybe we should force people to take down their antenna towers too.

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  8. So Denis (along with Gearhead) makes the monsterously ludicrous leap over a chasm of "logic" from a woman wanting to do more than drive a prius to help her planet to someone, somwhere condoning mass murder.

    Who? Who knows? Denis has provided no inkling of any such lunatic fringe individual, let alone group anywhere. But as long as the scary, hateful and slanderous dreck can be conjured to existance in Denis' mind, well that's "good" enough for him and his faithful companion GH.

    He then goes on to suggest that climate science involves only the insertion of assumptions into computer models with no replicating experiments. A statement of complete lead-by-the-nose ignorance on the topic (not to mention his ubiquitous fearmongering with whacky visions of consipiracies to steel his "freedom"). But I guess that's just Denis' personal version of inherent moral sense that spurs him to action!

    The shtuff on this space just gets more ridiculously unhinged with each new entry by the moral bloggist Navratil.

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  10. GearHead

    Those nimbys that got uptight about JWax are most likely anti-business Obama fans that are pissed off because a corporation decided to do this.

    They only agree with things that their messiah forces on corporations.

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