Sunday, January 06, 2013

Celebrating Diversity?

Lately I have been exploring college web sites as my son is getting to be about that age. One thing I have noticed is that colleges love diversity. As such, I can't help but wonder whether these colleges and universities celebrate students who disagree with their diversity agenda.


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    "I'm Tammy Baldwin and diverse? You're damn right I am."

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    How about the schools focus on doing their job and teaching skills that get the students jobs?

  3. We live in a diverse society that is continuing to diversify further. Institutions of higher learning that promote diversity are therefore really promoting representation of the broader outside culture within their confines. Our country was founded on the agenda of representation of the public at large. Consequently, belief in representing the diversity of our nation within our institutions, especially our public institutions, would be completely consistent with the founding principles of our republic and worth celebrating. Forward!

    Perhaps these schools should use the term "representation" rather than "diversity". In any event, with a diverse workforce and a globalized economy many companies look for people from diverse backgrounds to fill jobs and help them function better in today's world.

    The opposite of diverse representation would be conformity and exclusion. Conformity to the characteristics one particular, favored group and the exclusion of those citizens that do not conform to the particular standards of the self-selecting favored group.

    That is a direction we as a people have increasingly elected not to go in.

  4. The opposite of diverse representation would be conformity and exclusion. Conformity to the characteristics one particular, favored group and the exclusion of those citizens that do not conform to the particular standards of the self-selecting favored group.

    How about: Those that don't want to conform - exclude themselves - OR belong in a different group.

    Diversity isn't about being inclusive - it's about being EXCLUSIVE - to the PC Standard set by SWPL's.

    One group trying to impose it's rules upon another group's rules - to eliminate the other - based upon their dislike of that group and it's rules.

    Technically, for Black People, Jim Crow worked great - because they had their own group of Professionals. Today - not so much.

    Diversity is the door for one set of ideals to conquer another set through political correctness instead of merit.

    Diversity = FAILURE

    Vibrancy is weakness.

  5. How about NO!

    If you don't like diversity and representation then you can separate yourself from the American people, not the other way around.

    There's no Conformity Amendment in the Constitution and all citizens have the right to be able to attend the institutions they support. This isn't about political correctness, it's called equal protection under the law. You know, the 14th Amendment.

    Yeah, let's go back to Jim Crow and the pre-civil rights era, THAT was a golden age for minorities ya'll, right?

    So people who are different don't have "merit"? How revealing. What does TSE stand for anyway, Teaswilling Segregationist Embarrassment?

    And of course we must have the obligatory Cult of Con injection of xenophobic fear of being Conquered and Eliminated. Poor dear, poor frightened dear. Well anyway, I don't know if that's really your pic or not, but the angry expression comports well with your unhinged rant.

    Oh and nice gandabytes by the way!
    Diversity is failure
    Vibrancy is weakness

    Perhaps you should try on these Orwellian classics:
    War is peace
    Freedom is slavery
    Ignorance is strength
    Orthodoxy is unconsciousness

    Don't look TSE, but your extreme fringe is showing. Toodloo!

  6. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Multiple Cranley turds today. Make sure to use many grains of salt if you eat them.

    The question I have is what happens in the diversity class that a growing number of institutions require for undergrads (Penn State has required this for years)? What do you have to do to get an A? Can you get a waiver for being "diversity challenged"? Are grades rounded up im order to maintain or reward diversity? Is it like driver theory or do you actually have to take a car on the road with an instructor -and if so, what if you aren't as diverse as or disagree with the other students in the car?

  7. Ano said: "Are grades rounded up im order to maintain or reward diversity?", implying . . .

  8. If you don't like diversity and representation then you can separate yourself from the American people, not the other way around.

    Talk about a severe lack of tolerance! Apparently you don't allow diverse opinions in YOUR World.

    I'll bet you that the majority of any group - don't want diversity. "Birds of a feather flock together" is based upon observable evidence, NOT wishful thinking.

    Uncomfortable truths do not equal hate.

  9. I'm tolerating you just fine TSE. In fact, I'm affirming your right to separate from the American people if you don't like their diversity. I'm not telling you that you have to.

    Fortunately, you cannot impose your anti-diverse desires to be with whatever you consider to be your own kind on our public institutions.

    Oh and your quaint little "Birds of a feather flock together" saying, is just that, a quaint old saying that holds no particularly inherent truth with regard to the matter at hand. In fact, it's is a completely flawed analogy since "birds of a feather" refers different species of avians, whereas American citizens are all the same species, human beings.

    Besides, I enjoy seeing all kinds of different birds at my feeder. I guess the ones you frequent are for Nuthatches only!

  10. Here's a young man who took his celebration of diversity a little too far... but since he's coming from the Left - should we be surprised?

    For my team TSM, and our Human rights and prosperity era which supports Justice For Palestine, Boycott Palermos, workers rights, Asian Student Union, Black Student Union, All Black Everything, Latino Student Union, Desi Student Association, LGBT Communities, and women rights!! We go the hardest, that means there are no tougher! Let's go! No Justice No peace! -Kv Smiff

    This young man bragged about beating up people, wanted to start a riot at the Wisconsin Wave Protest in Madison, and threatened to blow up the Wisconsin Capital.


    Of course, it's not his fault, and he should be exonerated and become a person to be admired and emulated like Bill Ayers - who also advocated blowing up buildings and murdering children.

    See Kvon with Tammy Baldwin and other interesting things!

    Union Thug Training Academy!

    Madison Bomber

  11. Oh look, the inevitable red herring. The last gasp of a failed argument.

  12. It's not that hard - really. The Colleges need to end the experiment of celebrating diversity - and get back to educating students.

    The diversity is getting in the way of the education - so much - that the diversity has now taken precedence.

    That strongly suggests why college grads can't get jobs today.

  13. Anonymous7:01 AM

    "That strongly suggests why college grads can't get jobs today."

    Please describe any evidence for this "strong suggestion" besides the fact that YOU think it sounds reasonable.
