Friday, August 01, 2008

Question of the Day

Why is it legal to work for $8 per hour or $0 per hour but illegal to work for $4 per hour?


Anonymous said...

Why not let the marketplace determine what should be the minimum wage (instead of the legislature).

If you don't pay enough, then you don't get job applicants until you do.

Setting a minimum wage imposes upon the hiring ability of the employer.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice the unemployment numbers have increased since Congress and the President increased the minimum wage? It is especially true amoung the teen labor force, this will have a detrimental ripple effect on the workers who don't get that first job, and that first grab at the rail. The American Democrats will be happy more "losers" for them to play victimhood to.

Anonymous said...

It's odd that economically developed countries have minimum wage laws, while countries with lots of poor people (China, India) have none. Is that where we want to go?

Denis Navratil said...

To johnrw52: thanks for your comments but I don't believe most economists would attribute the poverty in India and China to the abscence of a minimum wage. Rather, it is/was excessive state control of the economy that is the culprit. Now that India and China have embraced globalism, their economies are on fire and millions are being lifted out of poverty. Freedom works.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the worship of the concept the marketplace still goes on at Free Racine.

Nothing much changes...bail out more of the the failed fraud market funders...socialism for the rich once again.

Anonymous said...

SPLASH !!! Someone stopped by to droip a turd into each thread. The Discriminator has the incredible IQ of 138 - maybe yours is 238? Or maybe that is both of your cholesterol levels . . .