Monday, April 18, 2011

Uncivil Warfare

Recently I was having a conversation with a long time and very liberal acquaintance. We were discussing his difficulty, indeed the near impossibility, of maintaining positive relationships with conservative/Republican/Walker supporters. After it was essentially established that he now socializes entirely with liberals, he noted that he has had multiple conversations comparing our current divisive political climate with the Civil War.

When all your friends agree that a policy that raises the meager public employee contributions towards their health insurance and pensions is like a fight over slavery, well.... I can't think of a better argument for broadening your circle of friends.

In one sense he is right. A civil war will start brewing with uncivil behavior.


Anonymous said...

It gets worse. Try holding a cogent fact-based argument with them. They'll stick their fingers in their ears, and call you every name under the sun, but won't/can't argue the merits. Why should they? Much easier to believe you are evil for not agreeing with them.

The continuing shouting down at tea party rallies is case in point. Not only they disagree with us, but that's not enough. You see, the first amendment does not apply to us, either. So we end up with these classless demonstrations in the rotunda, outside the capital, on our own street corners. Can you imagine what would happen if we clanked cowbells the next time Jesse Jackson waltzes into town? They should be ashamed, but they have no shame.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, Denis. This is what democracy looks like. Union thug alert - radical and unhinged dude screaming at a 14 year old girl onstage. Disgraceful.

Nemo said...

"radical and unhinged dude screaming"

sean, is that you? Nice hair.

Anonymous said...

really?! Denis your post is laughable. You can't see the forest for the trees.

Denis Navratil said...

Anon 2:42, you will have to explain the joke to me. Tell me more about the trees and forest.

George Meyers said...

I know only know one such liberal, Denis, a school teacher. It was quite the surprise to see her "lose it," swallowing the union line en toto.

This is not an unintelligent person. Somehow, she got—sort of— "brainwashed," I guess you would call it.

My bet is that a couple of months after she is paying some of her retirement benefits and health care costs and has the option to pay her union dues she

1. Leaves the union,

2. Apologizes for her behavior,

and gets on with her life.

George Meyers said...

I know only know one such liberal, Denis, a school teacher. It was quite the surprise to see her "lose it," swallowing the union line en toto.

This is not an unintelligent person. Somehow, she got—sort of— "brainwashed," I guess you would call it.

My bet is that a couple of months after she is paying some of her retirement benefits and health care costs and has the option to pay her union dues she

1. Leaves the union,

2. Apologizes for her behavior,

and gets on with her life.

oldpatriot2 said...

I know only know one such liberal, Denis, a school teacher. It was quite the surprise to see her "lose it," swallowing the union line en toto.

This is not an unintelligent person. Somehow, she got—sort of— "brainwashed," I guess you would call it.

My bet is that a couple of months after she is paying some of her retirement benefits and health care costs and has the option to pay her union dues she

1. Leaves the union,

2. Apologizes for her behavior,

and gets on with her life.

Sean Cranley said...

Obviously the civil war metaphore is hyperbole, but we are a country divided and we seem unable to find common ground. I do feel the Republicon national plan (because this comes from on high, way beyond Walker and Ryan) is an assualt on the middle and working classes and goes way beyond the union issues.

By the way George/TooOldPatriot, the person you refer to and her fellow union members have been paying the full measure of their benefits all along. Stop the lies about it and call it what it is, a pay cut.