Monday, September 15, 2008

Common Sense from Journal Times

Every once in a while, the JT gets it right. In today's editorial, the JT comes out against the misnamed Employee Free Choice Act. Essentially, the act does away with secret ballots when it comes time to vote for or against unionization. "It would give rise to an unprecedented level of workplace coercion" says the JT. You got that right.

The only issue I have with the commentary is that the JT fails to point out just how partisan this bill is. It is supported by nearly every Democrat and opposed overwhelmingly by Republicans. The JT should have informed their readers of that fact.


Anonymous said...

why should the JT be mandated to inform readers of this?

Anonymous said...

Because it is a fact. This doesn't make the issue right or wrong but it is important to know who it is that is saying what.

If you read about legislation that promotes the oil industry you might be more critical if you find out that it was written by someone paid for by the oil industry. If you read about legislation that hurts the oil industry - oh nevermind, no one makes money on going against the oil industry and the oil industry is evil anyway blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

if the measure makes sense, who cares where it comes from?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you like to get a bottle of pills for $39.95 that will give you an erection you could hunt Bison with, increase your IQ by 30 points and grow hair on your head simultaneously? Would it make a difference to you if this was being sold by a physician at Harvard or a flunkie marketing guy who spent time in the tank for fraud?

Lots of things make sense and, as in the above example, might even be exciting. The source should always be considered.

Anonymous said...

so should the public be just as concerned about the source of info disseminating from Fox News?

Anonymous said...

Yes! They should also question NBC/MSNBC, ABC, etc. The spelling and grammatical erros in AP stories alone should make people ask questions about that organization.

Anonymous said...

At least Fox goes out of it's way to present alternate views. And doesn't go into full fledged arousal every time Barack reads the tele-prompter.
CNN used to provide Crossfire, which took the issue of the day and put it thru the R vs. L meat grinder. No longer, Candy Crowley and Wolf Blitzer swap lefty perspectives of every topic.
MSNBC is just embarrassing. I can barely tolerate Matthews, and Olberman is so far on the Move-on page, he doesn't even take his points seriously. More stand-up than opinion journalism. Count This Keith....

I miss Tim Russert, he was usually down the middle, with occasional Lefty tilts. Brokaw has lost his objectivity. (Al Gore, interview/ slash global warming fest; amoung others).

Anonymous said...

I wish not agree on it. I over warm-hearted post. Particularly the title attracted me to read the intact story.

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