Monday, September 21, 2009

What News?

I have a friend who insists he is better informed on the events of the day because he listens to NPR. Even so, he was completely unaware of the ACORN/Nicaraguan sex trafficking story. Suppose that instead of ACORN it was the National Rifle Association or a Catholic bishop offering advice on the trafficking of Nicaraguan children for the sex trade. Do you suppose this news would have come to the attention of my friend?


BradK said...

Did Jon Stewart do a story on it?

Denis Navratil said...

Yes BradK. I didn't see it but I heard he lambasted the MSM for ignoring the story/not being journalists.

BradK said...

Well if Jon Stewart covered it, there's no reason your friend shouldn't have known.

John said...

NPR covered it for several days.

Denis Navratil said...

Thanks John. I will tell my friend that he must listen more carefully and or frequently.