Thursday, April 24, 2008

Indoctrination High

Within the last year or so, Horlick students have secured buses, matching shirts, and informational flyers to help get out the vote in favor of a school referendum. Busloads of Horlick students have also gathered, during school, at a rally supporting the interests of illegal aliens. And now, students are partaking in a "Day of Silence" in support of the LGBT community. In this case, school officials have distributed a document prepared by Lamba Legal, an outside organization that lobbies for LGBT issues and have prepared stickers for students who wish to participate.

These political events have all been assisted, financially and otherwise, by outside groups including the Racine Education Association, Voces a la Frontera (pardon my Espanol), and Lamda Legal.

But the folks at Horlick seem to want us to believe that these efforts are all led by the children. I know that kids can be resouceful, but please. Does anyone actually think that the kids could or would initiate these political activities without the active leadership of the teachers and administrators? Do the folks at Horlick think we are morons?


Anonymous said...

Fear of knowledge - exactly what motivates righties.

You know, they killed the intellectuals in Nazi Germany first...

Anonymous said...

I dont see what the big deal is. its not like the teachers are holding them at gun point and demanding that they demonstrate. Its completely by choice. I think its a good thing that young people are out practicing freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

By guess is that there are perks to be part of the demonstration if only being able to leave class.
Gee if some kids wanted to do a Mc Cain rally how would that go over?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i mean, why would kids want more money for their schools? Why would they want working heating systems and rooms without asbestos? They are obviously being controlled by the evil Unified teachers.

Anonymous said...

This is a Krauthhammer/Limbaugh type typical.

Anonymous said...

Let's have a pity party

One - two - three -


I hope the scholars are all studying this weekend, not tagging some poor sucker's fence -

Anonymous said...

How many new teacher contracts have been negotiated since the two hundred year old boilers were discovered? How many administrator salary increases have taken place since the rusty pipes were discovered? How many new administrative positions - with magnificent salaries - have been added since the asbestos was discovered?

Wait - I'll bet those evil rightie leprechauns broke in and replaced the greenhouse gas-free boilers, took the good pipes and left rusty ones, and threw around some asbestos just for kicks. I hope those $15 million maintenance and security upgrades cover high-tech cameras to detect the evil rightie leprechauns.

I can hear it now: Sue Klutz, newly appointed RUSD Czar of Security (her qualifications being the fact that she has used the keyless remote system on her various new cars over the years) states "we were unaware of the evil rightie leprechaun threat and quite frankly will incur a cost overrun. We will need an additional referendum to address this critical problem. IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN!”

Discriminator said...

Anyone that would trust their children with pervert strangers 5 days is a fool. It is up to parents to educate children. That education should go well beyond the A B C's , math, history and science. They should be prepared for adulthood in full by PARENTS!