Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Other Others

It has recently come to my attention that Racine Unified has a curriculum unit entitled "Accepting others makes life better."

Oh really, we should just accept everyone and life will be better. Hmmmm, how about child pornographers. Will the lives of Racine Unified students be better if they learned to accept child pornographers? Obviously not.

So which "others" should we accept to make our lives better? Now we already know that Unified has taught that the acceptance of a certain liberal black presidential candidate would make their lives better. And I'm quite certain that the "others" to be accepted include minorities, women, Muslims, gays etc....

But I am also curious about the other "others." You know, the ones not mentioned during the "Acceptance of others makes life better" unit. Are the students also being taught that accepting Christians or conservatives will make their lives better?

Somehow I doubt it.

By the way, I learned of this curriculum unit at Racine Post:


Anonymous said...

Aww, poor wittle Neo-Con, nobody cares about you huh? They're probably frightened from all that "diverse thought" you possess....

Denis Navratil said...

Well yes anon, indoctrinators are afraid of diverse points of view as it makes their "job" more difficult if not impossible.

Anonymous said...

... Coming from the Chief Indoctrinator himself.

Denis Navratil said...

...except that I am not afraid of diverse points of view. I consider all points of view and then I discard the nonsense. In your case anon, you can't even be bothered to offer a point of view. But I suppose for some, personal attacks serve as a substitute for actual thought.

Anonymous said...

you may "consider" diverse viewpoints, but you don't actually display or exhibit any yourself. Everything you say or support is right out of the RNC playbook. That's not diverse thought.

Denis Navratil said...

anon, if one's thoughts on a subject are diverse, they are confused. Do you have a diverse range of thoughts when contemplating an addition problem anon?

Ramon said...

Nobody needs to advocate for the white people, the christians, the conservatives. Collectively, hell, even separately, those groups hold the majority in america, and all three have a tendency to be a little to negligent of the privilege that they are afforded at the expense of many minorities. Besides, the teachings of white conservative christians are embedded in the very world and culture we live in.