Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dear Diane

What would I do with the extra money not taken by government if our tax burden were lower?

That question was posed to me by blogger Diane in a recent post on that blog. Diane had implied that I was after power, control or perhaps a mansion devoid of loving occupants. To the best of my knowledge I have never met Diane, but she sure seems to have some pretty strong opinions about who I am. Anyway, here goes Diane.

My first inclination is to tell you that what I would do with my money is none of your business. But I am a good sport, so I will tell you a bit about myself. I ride a bike that I bought twenty years ago from a friend. I play tennis with second hand rackets. I have no toys beyond those. I could afford the toys if I wanted them, I just have little interest in stuff. If I had more money, my life would change very little I suspect. I might by the $15 bottle of wine instead of the $8 bottle. I would probably try to change careers and start a small local newspaper. I would not aspire to control anyone or gain power over others, as I am more interested in empowering others.

But alas Diane, my interest in a lower tax burden is not just about me, it is about everyone. People typically do one of two things with the money that is available after taxes. They spend it or save it. And unless they are stuffing it in shoeboxes, that money is being circulated into the economy, where it creates jobs, results in improved products and services etc... and more wealth and well being than if it were handed over to the government. The reason is that, on average, individuals will make better choices with their own hard earned money than strangers will with other people's money. This is not intended as a screed against government but rather as an acknowledgement of human nature. People will typically take better care of what is theirs, in this case money, than they will take of someone else's money. This natural human tendency is summed up beautifully in a quote I have read somewhere; " nobody has ever washed a rental car."

Diane, I suspect it might be difficult to shake your stereotypical and false impression of me and other fiscal conservatives. It is far easier to demonize others than it is to try to understand them. In my view, it is neither good for you or the larger society to behave in this manner.


Anonymous said...

Great post Denis!

RAG said...

The left-wing whiners will keep arguing until the city sinks.

Anonymous said...

Denis, I personally wouldn't waste my time on the blueracine blog. The poster named Diane seems to be the security guard for Kay, and where you find any criticism of Kay, you'll find Diane ready for attack.

Denis Navratil said...

Thanks anontoo, but I sometimes find it interesting to engage with ones political opponents. There are, however, some folks who are impervious to reason and decent civic discourse. My hope is that Kay and Diane will not travel further down that road.

Anonymous said...

Ironic how Kay writes in one of her recent posts about "slackers" who feed off the government. She has publicly stated on more than one occasion how she collects state aid. Yet if you look at her blog, she's out gardening, volunteering, home remodeling, maintaining a blog. I guess I need to ask the question, why isn't SHE working?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Kay and Diane are boycotting your blog. I realize you want to engage in reasonable debate and conversation, but they don't even have the courtesy to come over here and address your posts. I see you stated twice on their blog that you have written on the topic here. It's just plain rudeness on their part.

Denis Navratil said...

I would agree anontoo. Rude yes, and very childish as well. It doesn't make any sense to me. Am I being punished for something?

Anonymous said...

Here's what Diane posted on blueracine today regarding your blog:
"I am here because I agree with Kay on 99% of all issues. Why would I go to your site?"

It looks to me like Diane and Kay are not interested in having debate or conversation with people they do not agree with. What a boring world it would be if we all had the same mindset. This really explains a lot about their rude behavior.

Anonymous said...

"Diane, I can lead you to my blog but I can't make you think"

That one made me LOL Denis. OMG did I actually just type LOL,,,WFT.

Anonymous said...

Denis, just checked out the blueracine blog again today. I don't know why you even bother posting there, honestly. "Kay" and her blog has no credibility in Racine, I just don't want you to lose your own credibility by being known as associated with blueracine.

Anonymous said...

It is fun anon. I can't help it. Besides, I don't know why engaging with Kay et al would damage my credibility unless I started agreeing with them. Denis Navratil