Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Independent" for Obama?

Scott Dizack writes in to the JT and claims to be an independent for Obama. In his letter, he urges us to "step aside from the irrational fulminations emanated by the McCain campaign in order to digest the rational words of wisdom" of Colin Powell, including his criticism of "the distortions, out right lies and abscence of solutions in the McCain camp." We need a government "with an agenda of unifying our great nation, not one that viciously attacks and erodes our moral fiber." Dizack urges "rational Republicans" to choose "sound ideology" and a leader who will "mobilize every American's support and energy in a constructive modality... (whatever that means)to overcome our hurdles rather than choose the candidate that attempts to "terrorize citizens for their vote" who will "divide us as a nation."
And finally, this self proclaimed independent supports the "conjugate vision" of Barack Obama.

Now really, why bother calling yourself an independent when you write like the loony left?

As for me, I'm voting for McCain, you know, the vicious irrational lying terrorist with the unsound ideology who will divide our nation and erode my moral fiber while unleashing my energy in a deconstructive modality.


Anonymous said...

"Conjugate vision"???? Wow, someone's been raiding Google again . . .

Nemo said...

The "conjugate vision" of Barack Obama? Higher taxes and more trade restrictions. It was tried before and it was called Hoovernomics. How well did that work out for the country?

Answer for the history impaired: It did not work out too well. For more detail, google "The Great Depression".

Anonymous said...

Ahh come on - Obama is my absolute favorite Indonesian citizen!

Anonymous said...

We're painting the White House black baby! I'm lovin' it!

Anonymous said...

But will there be a McDonald's installed a few feet away so lawsuits can be filed over making innocent people fat?

Anonymous said...

If only Obama was not a terrorist loving socialist who practices class warfare! I could vote for him

Oh yes 2:25 should we paint part of the house for Barry and part for Barack?

Anonymous said...

so much hate against Obama only fuels the desire to vote for him! Is it because you don't want to see a black president? Is it because he's intelligent and well-spoken?

I doubt any person who loves terrorists would garner the support of a US head of state the likes of Colin Powell.

Hating is for the weak mind.

Anonymous said...

I understand the plan is to paint the Body of the White House Black, But the trim will remain White... However a decision to add a Red detail stripe has been considered, as has a Yellow Stripe but the decision is on hold pending "The Ones" decision on retreat in Iraq.
Thus a well spoken misrepresentation of America.

Anonymous said...

How hilarious! Colin Powel was the bad guy - a turn-coat "Uncle Tom" who was going along with George Bush and friends. NOW he is a black man making an endorsement and he is suddenly a wonderful person.

We don't hate the fact that a black man will be President - we hate the fact that THAT black man is going to be President. Why can't a truly great, inteligent, non-crooked black man be elected. Does the name J.C. Watts ring a bell or will you have to use Google?

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't JC Watts, or any other of your highly touted black republicans ever been vaulted to a republican presidential ticket then?

Anonymous said...

"Vaulted"? No, you see a person has to want to run, they aren't anointed then appointed.

Anonymous said...

Obama envey, ey Denis?

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are all jealous of affirmative action poster children.

Anonymous said...

deep thyself deeper in a micro-scopic mutual admiration society